Natural Health & Wellness

Breaking Through the Fluoride Stare – Uncovering the Truth About Water Safety

Breaking Through the Fluoride Stare - Uncovering the Truth About Water Safety Thewellthieone

When you start to delve into the world of rethinking how things work, one thing that may come up for investigation is fluoride. 

This chemical has been used for over 70 years as an additive in toothpaste, drinking water, and even certain foods. 

But have you ever stopped to ask what it actually does? Is there any danger associated with it, especially when it is also placed directly in your mouth through dental products?

That fluoride stare

What happens when an individual has a ‘fluoride stare?’ This is the title given to that confused and silent look that is produced when someone is addressing topics that they have not heard on TV or within pop culture.  

Their mind seems to go completely blank and they have no input, reference or thought of their own in tackling a topic from a foreign angle. 

All these questions can be answered by researching more about fluoride, but why should we dig deeper than just accepting the status quo as it is handed to us?

The best thing to do if you are hearing a narrative that is unfamiliar is to ask lots of questions rather than dismiss it.
The best thing to do if you are hearing a narrative that is unfamiliar is to ask lots of questions rather than dismiss it.
The brain is affected by fluoride exposure, and this is not discussed enough it seems.  There is a poison label on fluorinated toothpaste.
The brain is affected by fluoride exposure, and this is not discussed enough it seems.  There is a poison label on fluorinated toothpaste.

Here, we’ll explore fluoride and its impacts on our genetic makeup and brain health so that you can decide for yourself if the risks associated with this commonly found chemical are worth avoiding it.

5 key differences between naturally occurring fluoride and the industry waste by-product of fluoride

  1. Source: Naturally occurring fluoride is found in rocks, soil, water, and plants, while industrial fluoride is a by-product of aluminum, fertilizer, and other industries.
Naturally occurring fluoride is found in rocks, plants, soil and trace amounts in water.
Naturally occurring fluoride is found in rocks, plants, soil and trace amounts in water.
  1. Composition: Natural fluoride is often mixed with other minerals, while industrial fluoride is a mix of gases such as sulfur dioxide, hydrogen fluoride, and silicon tetrafluoride.
  1. Composition Levels: Natural fluoride’s composition levels do not generally exceed 1 part per million (ppm), whereas industrial fluoride can have a concentration of approximately 250 ppm or higher.
  1. Characteristic: Natural fluoride has some level of health benefits to teeth while excessive artificial fluoride ingestion has adverse health effects.
Fluoride made from industrial by-product, the kind that is put into public drinking water, has been shown to lower IQ.
Fluoride made from industrial by-product, the kind that is put into public drinking water, has been shown to lower IQ.

Is it true that the fluoride added to our drinking water is the toxic industry made by-product from the aluminum industry?

Yes, it’s true that the fluoride added to our drinking water in many countries, such as the United States, Canada, and Australia, is not naturally occurring fluoride but rather industrial or synthetic fluoride, which is highly toxic to human health. 

Man made fluoride is a poisonous substance and should not be confused with fluoride found in nature. 
Man made fluoride is a poisonous substance and should not be confused with fluoride found in nature. 

Man made fluoride is a poisonous substance and should not be confused with fluoride found in nature. 

This fluoride usually comes from the by-products of industrial processes, such as phosphate fertilizer production or aluminum smelting, and is known as “fluorosilicic acid” or “sodium fluoride” when it is added to drinking water. 

The concept of fluoride and its known effects on the pituitary gland, brain, and body

Fluoride is a mineral that has been added to our water supply for decades in an effort to prevent tooth decay. Many are now questioning its potential effects on other parts of our bodies and wonder how much the adding of it to our water supply really has to do with preventing tooth decay. 

Studies have shown that excess fluoride can: 

  1. Negatively affect the pituitary gland, which plays a critical role in hormone regulation.  
  2. Fluoride hardens the pineal gland 
  • There are some claims that fluoride can negatively affect the pineal gland, which is thought to play an important role in regulating sleep patterns and producing melatonin, a hormone that helps regulate sleep-wake cycles.
  • Some researchers have suggested that fluoride could accumulate in the pineal gland over time and cause the gland to calcify or harden.
  • This could have negative effects on our well-being in a few ways. Firstly, it may disrupt our natural circadian rhythms and cause sleep disturbances or insomnia, which could affect our overall health and well-being in the long-term. 
  • The pineal gland is thought to be a key organ for spiritual and mystical experiences, and hardening of the gland may interfere with our connection to nature, our spirituality or our ability to have deep meditation experiences.
  • Since the fluoride added to drinking water is not naturally occurring, it disrupts our connection with nature. Adding synthetic or man-made substances into our natural water supply, which is literally a part of our natural surroundings, creates a disconnect with nature that can have unintended consequences on our overall well-being.
  • Additionally, some studies have suggested that fluoride may affect brain function and development, though the extent of these effects is still under investigation. Nonetheless, with ongoing research into the potential risks of excess fluoride consumption, it is becoming increasingly important to weigh the potential benefits of fluoridation against any possible negative effects.

Wearing a hazmat suit is standard protocol when handling fluoride because of how toxic it is.

When it comes to handling fluoride, it is imperative that the proper protective gear be worn to prevent any potential harm. 

Hazmat suits like this are standard safety protocol to be worn when working with fluoride. 
Hazmat suits like this are standard safety protocol to be worn when working with fluoride.

This is where the hazmat suit comes in; the suit is specifically designed to keep hazardous materials away from the skin and respiratory system. 

Fluoride is known to be extremely toxic and can cause serious harm if ingested or inhaled. Therefore, a hazmat suit acts as a barrier between the wearer and the toxic substance, ensuring that they are kept safe from harm. 

While it may seem like excessive precaution, it is better to be safe than sorry, because we know the industrial fluoride used in our water is not a welcomed compound in our body.

BUT…government water regulators conclude that they’ll just add it to the public drinking water and have you drink it, that should no problem.  And if that’s not enough, put it in our dental care products so we can have that much more daily exposure. 

I asked my own dentist if she thinks that children’s or adult’s teeth are in better shape because of the fluoride added to our water.  She laughed. 
I asked my own dentist if she thinks that children’s or adult’s teeth are in better shape because of the fluoride added to our water.  She laughed.

The “fluoride stare” is and why it’s important to be aware 

Have you ever heard of a “fluoride stare”? It may sound strange, but it’s a phenomenon that can indicate whether or not a person has high levels of fluoride in their system. 

They are not able to think critically and are often first to believe what the TV tells them without question.  They also go as far as to parrot what they were told on TV as if that information came from their own individual thought process.  

People who watch a lot of TV are more prone to display a “fluoride stare” when presented with a topic of conversation that the TV or popular culture has not addressed.
People who watch a lot of TV are more prone to display a “fluoride stare” when presented with a topic of conversation that the TV or popular culture has not addressed.

If you start discussing something that goes against what they have been taught by the TV, they often can think properly and often just stare at you.   

This tendency has earned a name from those who are able to critically think and may disagree with what we have been told to believe.  It is called “The Fluoride Stare.”

Essentially, it refers to a hazy or glassy look in the eyes that can indicate overexposure to fluoride when they do not understand something that may be outside of what culture or the TV has programmed them to think. 

Too much fluoride of it can lead to difficult cognition and a lower IQ. It’s therefore essential to be aware of the sources of fluoride in your environment, such as drinking water or dental products, and to take steps to limit exposure. 

Examine what research has already been done on the health impacts of fluoride.

While some studies suggest that fluoridation has contributed to a decline in tooth decay rates, others challenge its safety and effectiveness. 

Research has revealed that overexposure to fluoride can lead to dental fluorosis, a cosmetic condition that affects the strength of the enamel of teeth. It seems to do the exact opposite of what fluoride is intended to do with this condition that fluoride creates. 

Always research for yourself when it comes to your health.  Do not leave your health in others’ hands.  You need to do the work. 
Always research for yourself when it comes to your health.  Do not leave your health in others’ hands.  You need to do the work.

Additionally, studies have linked chronic fluoride exposure to various health problems, such as bone fractures, (again, weakening bones and teeth) hormonal imbalances, and cognitive deficits and cancer.

As debates about the benefits and risks of water fluoridation continue, more research is needed to fully understand the true impacts of fluoride on human health.  But  from the research that is currently out there, it makes sense to consider fluoride something you may not want to put in your body or in your porous mouth until research proves that it is safe.  

Ways to avoid fluoride exposure

To avoid the potential dangers of fluoride, some recommend:

  • using non-fluoridated toothpaste
Always choose toothpaste that is fluoride-free.
Always choose toothpaste that is fluoride-free.
  • using a water filtration system, which is better than bottled water because most bottled water contains fluoride.

When my dentist in Huntington Beach CA asked me if I wanted a fluoride treatment, I asked him if he gives his children a regular fluoride treatment.  

He said no, he does not.  I asked him if he gives his children fluorinated toothpaste.  Again, the answer was no.  I told him I want to be treated like he treats his own family.

5 natural remedies that can help detox fluoride out of the body

Green Tea: Green tea contains catechins, which are powerful antioxidants that can help to remove fluoride from the body. Drinking several cups of organic, loose-leaf green tea per day can help to detoxify the body of fluoride.

Green tea contains catechins which can grab hold of fluoride molecules and escort them out of the body. 
Green tea contains catechins which can grab hold of fluoride molecules and escort them out of the body.

Sea Salt: Sea salt can help to remove fluoride from the body by increasing urine flow and reducing the concentration of fluoride in the body. Adding a pinch of unrefined sea salt to your meals can promote fluoride excretion.

Sea salt can help reduce the concentration of fluoride stored in the body. 
Sea salt can help reduce the concentration of fluoride stored in the body.

Turmeric: Turmeric is a natural anti-inflammatory and antioxidant that has been shown to help detoxify the body of fluoride. Incorporating turmeric into your meals or taking a turmeric supplement can be helpful for detoxification.

Turmeric helps soothe inflammation while also acting as a powerful detoxifier.
Turmeric helps soothe inflammation while also acting as a powerful detoxifier.

Iodine: Iodine is essential for healthy thyroid function, which is important for detoxification. 

The thyroid gland is responsible for regulating the body’s metabolism and energy levels, and iodine can help to support these important functions. 

All types of seaweed and sea moss offer an excellent dose of iodine, which helps the thyroid function.  The thyroid gland aids in the body’s detox. 
All types of seaweed and sea moss offer an excellent dose of iodine, which helps the thyroid function.  The thyroid gland aids in the body’s detox.

Eating iodine-rich foods like seaweed or taking an iodine supplement can help to detox fluoride from the body.

Vitamin C: Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that can help to detoxify the body of fluoride. Eating vitamin C-rich foods like citrus fruits, berries, and leafy greens or taking a vitamin C supplement can help to promote fluoride excretion.

All types of citrus offer a high amount of vitamin C, which helps the body excrete fluoride. 
All types of citrus offer a high amount of vitamin C, which helps the body excrete fluoride.
Concluding thoughts on fluoride use and the fluoride stare

Overall, it is evident that fluoride is a powerful compound with potentially harmful effects on our bodies because the body can not easily rid itself of it.  Instead, it builds up in the liver and other organs.

Fluoride’s presence in food, drink, and even the air can damage our pituitary glands, brain, and body if not managed properly. 

Be aware of the “fluoride stare” that you may see come from those who have had too much exposure.  This stare of confusion illuminates the unforgiving effects it has on the mind when exposed to too much. 

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