Natural Health & Wellness

Dr Hazel Parcells – “Is It Safe To Tell the Truth?” Radiation Exposure Afflicts Us All!

Dr Hazel Parcells – “Is It Safe To Tell the Truth?” Radiation Exposure Afflicts Us All! Thewellthieone

Dr. Hazel Parcells, also known as the “Grand Lady of Natural Healing,” was a pioneering naturopathic doctor and alternative health practitioner who lived from 1904 to 1996. She was known for her holistic approach to health and her belief in the power of the body to heal itself. 

Dr. Hazel Parcells believed and showed in thousands of hours of work that nature provides all we need to heal ourselves.
Dr. Hazel Parcells believed and showed in thousands of hours of work that nature provides all we need to heal ourselves.

Dr. Parcells spent many years developing her own system of healing, incorporating a combination of natural remedies, nutrition, bodywork, and energy medicine. 

She was beloved by her patients and was a mentor to many aspiring health practitioners, including medical doctors, chiropractors, and naturopaths. 

Parcells worked hand in hand with medical doctors, chiropractors and natural health doctors. 
Parcells worked hand in hand with medical doctors, chiropractors and natural health doctors.

Dr. Hazel Parcells was a true visionary in the field of natural health and her legacy continues to inspire people around the world.  

Not many of her talks to audiences were recorded or were available to the public.  One of her students, Joseph Dispenza, wrote a book detailing a lot of her contributions to natural health which is found in this article.

Details from a talk with Dr. Hazel Parcells

We have taken the time to write about one of her famous talks that happened in the 1990s to a small audience where she gives some valuable, effective and inexpensive health advice that works.  

She witnessed the fact that good health stems from complimentary frequencies and nutritious fuel for the body.  She found these premises to work time and time again on her patients. 

Raw shungite gives off terahertz frequencies, which are in harmony with a healthy cell. 
Raw shungite gives off terahertz frequencies, which are in harmony with a healthy cell. 

Raw shungite gives off terahertz frequencies, which are in harmony with a healthy cell. 

Is it safe to tell the truth?

Dr. Hazel Parcells begins her address asking the question if it is safe to tell the truth if it isn’t formulated by the other side of the house?  If not, she has noticed that we are not supposed to talk about it.  

We have been programmed by our medical system that if the advice does not come from their texts and practitioners, then we are to discard the information as incorrect or even dangerous. Many are shamed by their doctors for asking natural health questions. 
We have been programmed by our medical system that if the advice does not come from their texts and practitioners, then we are to discard the information as incorrect or even dangerous. Many are shamed by their doctors for asking natural health questions.

But Dr. Parcells has to talk about what she has found, it is her duty to help others help themselves without side effects if they so choose.  We are our greatest health advocate, no one else should be put in that place she says. 

Dr. Hazel has done the research, done the studies herself, seen the results and proved it, though no big institution has been very interested in listening or repeating her results. 

Changes in the past 100 years

If Dr Hazel Parcells looks back down the road of all of the changes in her 100 years, she is floored.  

Party line telephone

For example, her first phone was a “party line.”  This meant that everyone was on the phone when the phone rang so gossip would be heard whether you liked it or not, and privacy was non-existent.  

People were just happy to be able to communicate this way, by telephone. 

The first phone Dr Hazel Parcells had used a shared party line.  When the phone rang, more than one household picked up, because they were not sure who it was for.
The first phone Dr Hazel Parcells had used a shared party line.  When the phone rang, more than one household picked up, because they were not sure who it was for.

She saw the first automobile that was introduced to the road systems when everyone else were using horse and buggy or riding them at the time for their transportation.  

The horses didn’t like the autos at all, and they did not want to share the roads with them.

The first mass produced car was Ford’s Model T.  Horses were not keen to share the roads with these machines!

Then WW1 came and Dr. Parcells became a war bride, and she had many disadvantages at the time, and can not think of one advantage during the wartime.  

Bodies in coffins were carried away during the night by wagons during the Spanish Flu in 1918.
Bodies in coffins were carried away during the night by wagons during the Spanish Flu in 1918.

Bodies in coffins were carried away during the night by wagons during the Spanish Flu in 1918.

Dr Parcells describes the Spanish Flu being, in reality, a Black Plague.  She saw the coffins piled up, stationed for shipping, and she heard them come to get these coffins that were by the wagonful at night.  

People couldn’t get into and couldn’t go the hospital, including the couple’s officer friends…and they all lived, unlike many who got a bed in the hospitals. 

Many were denied access to a hospital bed during the Spanish Flu.  Dr. Parcells noted that most of those people lived. 
Many were denied access to a hospital bed during the Spanish Flu.  Dr. Parcells noted that most of those people lived.

The Spanish Flu wasn’t a flu she said.  It was a low-grade radiation poisoning.  This radiation carried 7 deadly isotopes with it.  

She checked all of this, and knew about how radiation makes us very ill, yet it is not easily traced.  

Antibiotics administered during the Spanish Flu  had no effect, rather, they killed beneficial bacteria in the gut that helped the immune system function, making conditions worse.  

Antibiotics administered during the Spanish Flu were ineffective.
Antibiotics administered during the Spanish Flu were ineffective.

Fortunately, through her life’s work and watching countless patients recover from their illnesses and conditions, she knew how we can deal with constant exposure to radiation.

During that time in WW1, Dr Hazel Parcells became afflicted with tuberculosis.  Tuberculosis, or TB, is a bacterial infection that primarily affects the lungs but can also affect other parts of the body such as the brain, kidneys, or spine. 

It is spread through the air when an infected person coughs, sneezes, or speaks, and can be highly contagious. 

Tuberculosis causes severe coughing among other potentially serious symptoms. 
Tuberculosis causes severe coughing among other potentially serious symptoms.

TB symptoms can include coughing, chest pain, fever, night sweats, fatigue, and weight loss. 

Hazel Parcells never did pay a lot of attention to being sick, because she had too much to do, however, it came to the point that she was hemorrhaging from her kidneys and lungs.  

Sorry, there’s nothing more we can do

Her heart had enlarged dangerously, the valves were very damaged.   Medical science said they could do nothing.  

She said she had no money anyways, which was likely a blessing. The medical doctors had nothing to offer her, she had to turn to her own thinking and get to work.  

It was time to help herself and start researching to save her life. 
It was time to help herself and start researching to save her life. 

The day Western medical doctors told Hazal that there was nothing they could do was the day she realized she was not ready to give in.  

She translated their words to her understanding-there was nothing in their toolbox of drugs or surgery that they could use. 

The doctors gave her a vile of tablets to take for when she had a heart attack and was about to drop dead, which could be at any time.   That is the best that they could do.

Hazel Parcells, up to that point, had been depending solely on near strangers to make her well

At this point, the handing off of these pills by her doctor was an important moment, because Dr Parcells realized that that she had been depending on someone else to make her well.  

She learned there is no one else but you who can do this.  They can’t do the work, they can only give advice.  

Dr Hazel Parcells began to seriously focus on the fuel she gave her body and the frequencies she was being exposed to. 

Hazel had to start thinking on her own, and not depending on others to make her healthy or make her health decisions.  

They were giving up on her much too soon, she concluded. She would not accept the death sentence she was given. 

Check the fuel used for the body

Her first thought was related to the fuel of the body, the food we eat.  If man is walking around and it is related to what he eats, there must be something she can use in that direction!  

This propelled her into her profession of natural health.  Dr Parcells has lived the last 40 years searching an interesting world.  

She learned what it looks like to build back organs that they said can’t be done.  Well, they can be rebuilt, it can be done.  She proved it first with herself, and then by doing the same with her patients. 

At the time, nutrition was a “dirty word” in the field of  chiropractics

She started to study therapeutic studies, chiropractics, got through that study at night bc she had to work during the day. 

Nutrition was a dirty word in chiropractics, this discipline believed that you only had to stimulate the spine to receive health benefits. 

Her question to them was, “How do you keep the fire buring with no fuel?”  This seemed a logical thought.   

We now realize that the foods we introduce to the body is one of the most important things we can consider and help ourselves heal. 

Dr Hazel Parcells likened nutritious food to the kind of food that keeps the “fire burning,” which is the kind of food that is beneficial to all organs and their systems.  Not all “food” does this.

Dr. Hazel Parcells went on and studied naturopathic work, and earned her doctorate in the field.  She had accumulated over 5500 hours in naturopathy all in practice and study.  

Be adamant in providing your body with nutritious food, every bite should be of biological value. 

She said that we realize that we DO have some control over what our physical and emotional condition is if we start in the right direction of feeding ourselves nutritious food

Why do we accept it when a doctor tells you that you don’t know what you are talking about?

In a typical scenario in Western medicine a doctor may not hesitate to tell you  that you know nothing about your own body or what you are talking about. 

This same doctor then applies what he had been taught and what he thinks, but, is it the right thing?  

Under these thoughts and conditions, Dr Parcells was not assured that this was the correct way forward, especially when the doctor did not address the fuel we put into our bodies. 

She went deeper into the study of nutrition. 

True health needs to be approached from a holistic standpoint.
True health needs to be approached from a holistic standpoint.

A snapshot of Dr Hazel Parcells’ resume

  • Headed 8 years of research in the nutritional department Sandia University in Los Angeles
  • Applied, put into practice what was really happening when we put drugs aside
  • Depended upon the natural laws when natural items were applied to the body.
  • 4 years in a cancer research Spears Sanitarium in Denver CO.  Not a full time, but every month time was spent there studying cancer.  

Why cancer?  Cancer is no different than any other degerative condition. Developed a way to find out what we needed to know about ourselves to heal naturally. 

  • Big question for all patients

What is your body doing about what you are doing?  The fuel you put in your body is very important.   

Is what you are doing (eating, exercising, getting quality rest) supplying what you need and why?  

Food is depleted of nutrients and full of toxins today

Food used to be full of nutrition.  Now we buy all sorts of pesticides and chemicals in the food, the sprays, the fertilizers, and the soils.  

We think when we are buying nutrition when we are buying vegetables today.  This has all changed, and she has watched it.

Every potato, which is a basic food, has the most deadly pesticide in it out of all foods we have.  It’s in its fiber. You can’t peel the potato and be rid of the sprays. 

All food is sprayed, and organic food is sprayed too to a different extent.  None of these sprays are welcomed by the body.

Buy an apple, which is another basic, and you’re buying a lethal dose of arsenic and lead.  

This is because it is sprayed four times until it’s maturity. Peeling doesn’t help, because these toxins are in the fiber right down to its very core.

Dr. Parcells says the toxic sprays on our food accumulates in your system when you keep putting it in.  She found this to be true through her own studies.  

This is the reason for the many common problems we are facing today with our health. Its one of the main reasons whey most people are not enjoying impeccable health. 

Radiated food

Dr. Parcells addressed the fact that our food is radiated to keep it from rotting, to improve profit margins by reducing waste, at the cost of our health. Once food is radiated, it loses a good portion of its nutrition and it also   will not decay as easily once that radiation hits it.  

Produce that is radiated stays fresh much longer than if it were not radiated, but at what cost to the consumer?
Produce that is radiated stays fresh much longer than if it were not radiated, but at what cost to the consumer?

The government says there’s not enough to cause any trouble, but who has become the mouthpiece of the government to make such a broad statement? Are the scientists making this claim employed by the government who allows it?  Can these people be trusted based on results?

Toxins in our water

Parcells says that we have water problems, a big change from when she was young.  Poisons are in our water, especially water regulated by cities.  The elements they use to correct the poisons are just as bad.

Water “treatment” plants are not creating safe water to drink.  If you are not filtering your tap water with carbon filters or more, you are putting your long-term health at risk.
Water “treatment” plants are not creating safe water to drink.  If you are not filtering your tap water with carbon filters or more, you are putting your long-term health at risk.

When look at the people around us, how many well people do you see?  Ones who are enjoying life?  They all have something wrong, something that always seems to be “outside of our understanding.”

Many people feel that it is normal to feel generally unwell, for no particular reason.
Many people feel that it is normal to feel generally unwell, for no particular reason.

Our air is toxic and depleted of oxygen

“Do you realize that you have very little oxygen to breathe?  

You’re losing your balance, you can’t think, can’t sleep, feel terrible, no energy.”  This is one of the first complaints Dr. Parcells gets.  Why?  Because energy requires oxygen, nothing more, nothing less.

People are thinking it is normal to want to fall asleep after lunch. This is not normal, and it is not healthy to lack this kind of energy. 
People are thinking it is normal to want to fall asleep after lunch. This is not normal, and it is not healthy to lack this kind of energy. 

Dr. Hazel Parcells gets phone calls coast to coast and globally with the same complaint.  When Dr Parcells investigated, she found several reasons for this and even experienced it on her own:

Our air is filled with carbon monoxide from fossil fuels are burning in our cars and factories, mostly, not entirely.  It is burning of the fuels that takes the oxygen from the air and out of your bloodstream and from our cells.  

Our radiation problems are more potent than ever before

Dr Parcells indicates that our oxygen levels are depleted from the ever-increasing exposure to radiation through our general environment. Our personal devices such as phones, computers, wireless ear buds and all things wireless are a hazard.

Some mainstream sources will tell you that radiation doesn’t take that much oxygen from our air:

“At clinical radiation doses, not enough oxygen is depleted to make a great difference in the resulting oxygen level in the cell, at least not enough to explain a difference in survival,” says Jansen.” 

– Physics World

“We need to put all of these things together to make a full picture.” Dr Parcells says.

“Even the birds are falling out of the air because they have extensively reduced oxygen to fly with.”

There’s fewer birds these days because many succumb to oxygen deprivation and literally “fall” while trying to fly.
There’s fewer birds these days because many succumb to oxygen deprivation and literally “fall” while trying to fly.

Dr Hazel Parcells spoke with the head of the health department at Sandia University in Los Angeles.  He asked,  “Why are the conures falling from the skies?”  

Our government doesn’t know what to do about it, and they know about it.

What are we going to do about it?

Dr Hazel Parcells wants everyone to know that we are not dealing with something that we as individuals can not address. What are we going to do about it? It’s up to us to improve our quality of life. 

Always have lots of baking soda on hand!

The amazing thing is we don’t have to go to the drugstore says Dr. Parcells. Go to your kitchen and take a box of baking soda, and it will neutralize all of this radiation.  But, it isn’t dignified enough to be used in the professional field. 

Baking soda, the regular Arm and Hammer kind, is essential to help pull out toxins from the body. So simple and inexpensive, it is almost unbelievable!
Baking soda, the regular Arm and Hammer kind, is essential to help pull out toxins from the body. So simple and inexpensive, it is almost unbelievable!

A surgeon at the hospital asked Dr. Pracells what she used for dysentery: 

  • Dysentery is a type of gastrointestinal infection that causes inflammation and irritation in the intestines. 
  • It is usually caused by a bacterial infection, although it can also be caused by a parasite or virus. 

Dysentery inflames the intestines and is usually caused by bacteria or parasites which makes one spend lots of time in the bathroom. 

  • Dysentery is characterized by frequent and severe diarrhea, abdominal pain, and cramping, along with other symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, fever, and dehydration.

In response to that surgeon, Hazel said she uses cornstarch. He scoffed, “Well, I wouldn’t dare use THAT!”  

Dr Parcells said, “Well look, call it what you like, but help your patients! ”

The simpler the remedy, the more we run into comments like this she says.  We do not have to spend a lot of money, contrary to what we are told to think by a profit driven healthcare industry. 

Back to the Spanish Flu

Dr. Parcells believes that there was not a live entity in this pandemic, it was an energy that was harmful to human health that was involved. She believes people who died had radiation poisoning. 

All the work she does and evaluations Dr. Hazel Parcells conducts is on the flow of energy.  There are certain frequencies, like terahertz, that are complimentary to human health, as the terahertz frequency is the same wavelength as a healthy human cell.  Terahertz frequencies are found naturally emanating from shungite stones. 

Shungite stones are usually black and can also have a type of mirrored finish.  They make beautiful and healthful pieces of jewelry and accent pieces around the home.
Shungite stones are usually black and can also have a type of mirrored finish.  They make beautiful and healthful pieces of jewelry and accent pieces around the home.

If we can understand just a little bit of energy, people can help themselves.  They are pleading for help.  Some days she would spend the whole day on the phone with people who could not breathe, those who were in pain, or had no energy, giving her their knowledge to get back on the road to health. 

Dr Parcells saw that many of the symptoms presented pointed to oxygen depletion

When a majority of the cells are depleted of oxygen, the result is exhaustion. 

This is when Hazel made an investigation. 30 years ago she was using ozone and oxygen in the university clinic, she understood what it did.   Her mind began to research this out.  

She had some of her students were doing research on oxygenating the blood in NY, and they sent her their material.  They were taking blood, putting oxygen in it then replacing it in the body.

She felt this was a complex procedure.  The machine her students were using  to do this oxygen replacement at the time was $1500, which was too expensive for the home or individual. 

Results from oxygenating the blood

He introduced her to an Alpen Air Machine, which is no longer on the market.  She told the researcher “If you’ll send me one, I’ll test it out and see if it works.” 

She didn’t want to recommend anything unless it works, and her goal was not to sell things, she just wanted to recommend something if it could make someone’s quality of life better. 

Dr Hazel Parcells said, “We had to do something to get the oxygen back into people, and after trying it on myself and other patients, we found that the machine works.”

  People would call that they didn’t feel that total panic feeling anymore, that they couldn’t breathe after using the machine.

Hazel is saying this because of her own research and knowing what she has witnessed in her practice.  

While that machine isn’t available, there are other ways to reoxygenate the blood these days.  Using oxygen drops is one of them:

HealthForce SuperFoods Oxygen Extreme Liquid 

– 4 fl oz

-pH Neutral Oxygen Supplement 

-Helps Oxygenate Blood

-Supports Athletic Performance

-Gluten Free

-100 Servings

HealthForce SuperFoods Oxygen Extreme Liquid 

Recipe to help pull radiation exposure from the body

Now if we have this terrible levels of daily radiation exposure that is not lost on most of us.  

We had to do something to get the oxygen back so people could use it.  What to do when you can’t catch your breath, and can’t go any further. 

There is a simple and inexpensive way  to neutralize this lack of oxygen in our atmosphere.

Dr Hazel Parcells said that we to get rid of the radiation that holds all sorts of other elements.  This is her own experience, her own interpretation.

Baking soda and sea salt will neutralize any type of radiation, usually.  It will neutralize the radiation after your x-ray, your close proximity to massive amounts of wireless devices, all of it. 

From all of the wireless devices we are in close proximity to day in and day out, we need to help our bodies rid ourselves of the EMF radiation to keep our health at a more optimal level.
From all of the wireless devices we are in close proximity to day in and day out, we need to help our bodies rid ourselves of the EMF radiation to keep our health at a more optimal level.

Use a bath. In the olden times, they got into the bath for everything, and they were not wrong!  Modern times has made it appropriate to not have bath tubs in all houses, we have settled for the quick shower which is not as healing as a bath. 

Make your bath as hot as you can tolerate and add 2-3 pounds of baking soda into it and soak until the temperature of the bath is equal to your body temperature.
Make your bath as hot as you can tolerate and add 2-3 pounds of baking soda into it and soak until the temperature of the bath is equal to your body temperature.

Take a tub full of hot water.  Get into it, get the water as hot as you can stand it comfortably.  Add 1 cup of baking soda and 1 cup of sea salt. Stay in that water until it cools down to body temperature.  

The heat brings all that to the surface, when it cools, osmatic pressure brings it out to the cooler side, a truly therapeutic bath.

Low grade radiation, leave the salt out, use just soda, baking soda, Arm and Hammer.  Use 2-3 pounds of soda to a tub full of water.  Same hot water procedure.  You’ll be surprised at your results.

Now I feel worse!

I tried the baking soda bath, and I felt better, but now I feel worse!  “Sure you do, says Dr. Parcells, “You got another exposure.  You have to do this bath on a regular basis.”

Make your radiation bath a habit, because exposure is ongoing. 
Make your radiation bath a habit, because exposure is ongoing.

Regarding the radiation bath to help detox the body, Dr. Parcells says, “If you will try it, there’s a great thing about it.  If it doesn’t help you, it won’t hurt you.  You can’t say that about any one drug.”

If you collapse in the same room as Dr. Parcells, here’s what she will do

A man collapsed in her office one day, and she took him to the emergency.  He was in a coma.  She said what I don’t want you do is give him a shot of anything.  Give him oxygen and he’ll be fine.  They did, and he walked home 2 hours later just fine.  His cells were all deprived of oxygen and could no longer function.

For 15 years one of her students claimed they managed to not go to a hospital except for an accident.  The simple things that belong to our own environment, not drugs, heal us, not hospital protocols. 

Radiation Detoxification Drink Recipe

We are living in a very dangerous time.  We all need to apply and know about the natural applications.   This is why she studied this for so long, and wanted to give us this message to help ourselves in emergencies.

  • A quart of distilled water, because it absorbs and pulls out toxins that are foreign to the well-being of our body
  • 1 tsp of baking soda
  • 1tsp of sea salt, do not use table salt
  • Shake it up.
  • Divide this into 4 doses
  • Take the first dose, and drink the next dose every 2 hours until all of the doses have been taken.  
  • Combined with the baths above, you will be pretty much cleaned out.  Don’t eat during this time, let the solution do it’s work without distraction of digestion. 

Take this a few times a week to help your body draw out toxins.

All information is not to be used instead of medical advice, but rather, to enhance your healthcare journey.  

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