Natural Health & Wellness

How to Make Structured Water & Why Is This Water SO Healing?!

How to Make Structured Water & Why Is This Water SO Healing?! TheWellthieone

Water is one of the most essential elements in sustaining life, yet we seldom take the time to reflect on its importance. Did you know that regular tap or bottled water might not be meeting our full hydration needs? That’s right.  Our bodies need water that is as true to nature as possible.  

Nature makes really good structured water, and you can make it yourself too!  There are benefits to making your own structured water at home.

In this blog post, you will be shown 3 ways to create delicious and hydrating structured water with items found around the house for free, no expensive equipment needed! 

Read on if you’re ready to learn what structured water is, its wonderful health benefits, and how to make healthy, energy-boosting water from the comfort of your own kitchen.

What is structured water?

Structured water is a newer concept in the Western health industry. It is defined as water that has been exposed to various forms of energy, such as magnetic fields, sound waves, and infrared radiation, which redistributes the molecular arrangement of the H2O particles and rearranges them into a more ordered configuration. 

Drinking structured water is a great way to bring your body back to ideal health, in every way.
Drinking structured water is a great way to bring your body back to ideal health, in every way.

This restructuring creates an organized body of water that can absorb and store more oxygen and minerals than regular tap water. By drinking structured water, we are able to benefit from more oxygenation and hydration within our cells while removing impurities from our bodies faster. 

Studies have found that having consistent access to structured water leads to healthier digestion, more balanced hormones, detoxification of toxins, better absorption of nutrients in foods, lower stress levels, and improved sleep quality.

10 incredible health benefits of structured water

  1. Structured water is more hydrating than regular water because it is more bioavailable.
  1. Structured water helps to detoxify the body by flushing out toxins and waste products.
If water is structured, it works better at doing what it is supposed to do.  Toxins are flushed out of the body much more efficiently with structured water.
If water is structured, it works better at doing what it is supposed to do. Toxins are flushed out of the body much more efficiently with structured water.
  1. Structured water can help improve digestion and the absorption of nutrients.
One of the great pleasures in life is having a highly efficient and finely tuned digestive system that works the way it should, absorbing the maximum amount of nutrients, and disposing of waste quickly.  Structured water enables the digestive system to work as it should.
One of the great pleasures in life is having a highly efficient and finely tuned digestive system that works the way it should, absorbing the maximum amount of nutrients, and disposing of waste quickly. Structured water enables the digestive system to work as it should.
  1. Structured water can improve cardiovascular health by reducing cholesterol and blood pressure.
  1. Structured water can help reduce inflammation throughout the body.
Structured water speeds up healing by reducing inflammation throughout the body.
Structured water speeds up healing by reducing inflammation throughout the body.
  1. Structured water can help improve brain function and memory.
 Structured water gives new energy to the neurons that function in our brain giving us better memory and focus.
Structured water gives new energy to the neurons that function in our brain giving us better memory and focus.
  1. Structured water can help boost the immune system.
  1. Structured water can help to slow the aging process by reducing wrinkles and age spots.
Many proponents of structured water feel that it has the ability to turn back the hands of time when it comes to aging and healing disease.
Many proponents of structured water feel that it has the ability to turn back the hands of time when it comes to aging and healing disease
  1. Structured water can help increase energy levels, boost circulation and stamina.
Those who drink structured water on a regular basis enjoy increased energy and boosted circulation giving them better stamina.
Those who drink structured water on a regular basis enjoy increased energy and boosted circulation giving them better stamina.
  1. Structured water can help improve overall health and well-being.

How to make structured water at home quickly and cheaply!

  1. Get two glasses or larger jars if you want to make a bigger batch. Be sure to use glass, not plastic. Fill one 34-ounce or similar container with filtered water. 

The best-structured water is made from quality filtered water like reverse osmosis.  It also has the fluoride removed, as the industrial fluoride used when adding it to our water supply is toxic. 

Any clean glass jars will do for structuring water, they should be around the same capacity.
Any clean glass jars will do for structuring water, they should be around the same capacity.

To remove fluoride, specific filters are needed to do just that, and it is really something to consider if you want to take your health seriously.  Also, use oral care products like toothpaste and mouthwash that are fluoride free.  

You do not have to spend an excessive amount on a fluoride removal system for your water, a pitcher fitted with the proper filter for fluoride removal is all you need.  Something like this works great:

Epic Pure Water Filter Pitchers for Drinking Water

Epic Pure Water Filter Pitchers for Drinking Water

If you don’t have the ability to remove fluoride right now, keep it in mind as something you want to provide yourself in the future, and just use the filtered water that you have for the structure process.  This is still much closer to healthier water.

Next, pour the water from one jar to the next, back and forth for about a minute. This process mimics the free flow of water in nature, like in a waterfall, and it helps bring natural structure back to the water after it has been out of sunlight and nature underground in pipes and in treatment facilities, which de-structures water.

Nature’s waterfall is the process we are mimicking when we pour one glass jar of water into another, back and forth repeatedly.  The energy produced by falling water is healing.
Nature’s waterfall is the process we are mimicking when we pour one glass jar of water into another, back and forth repeatedly. The energy produced by falling water is healing.
  1. Using crystals, rocks or marbles to make structured water

Use the same types of glass containers; it is better to use larger containers to make extra water for other loved ones or for yourself later when you are making it rather than making one serving at a time. If you drink a day’s worth of water at once, you will then be in the habit of drinking more structured water each day, which is life-preserving and health-promoting.

Get a funnel and put a few of your favorite rocks or crystals in the funnel. Placing a bamboo straw in the middle will help with flow, but this step is optional. If you don’t have rocks or crystals, you can use marbles. A bag of marbles can be purchased at the dollar store inexpensively, though any clean rocks will do a great job.

This process mimics nature’s movement of water over rocks providing it with mineral and energy, as it is perfectly structured, the way we should be consuming water.
This process mimics nature’s movement of water over rocks providing it with mineral and energy, as it is perfectly structured, the way we should be consuming water

Pour the water through the funnel that has your favorite rocks in it. Enjoy the process. Relax and think about things you are grateful for. The vibration of your voice using happy, loving tones also helps to structure water during this process. 

Consciously choosing to be in a loving mood saying loving things while structuring your water has benefits due to the high vibration you are imparting on your water as you structure it.
Consciously choosing to be in a loving mood saying loving things while structuring your water has benefits due to the high vibration you are imparting on your water as you structure it.

Some people really get into it and say a few words to their water like, “Thank you for hydrating me.” Or “I love you!” Keep transferring the water from one container to the next as it mimics the flow of water in nature over rocks in a stream, bringing back nature’s proper healing and truly hydrating structure.

The third way to structure water naturally and for free requires a sunny day. Place your glass jug, jar, or other container in the sun, either outside or in a bright area of your home. Let it sit there in the sun, absorbing its frequency and healing rays, for a few hours.

Leaving your water outside on a sunny day is a great way to structure your water with the sun’s radiant energy.
Leaving your water outside on a sunny day is a great way to structure your water with the sun’s radiant energy.

Wholistic Vegan shows you these three methods to structure water for free in your own home here:

We hope you found the information contained in this article to be helpful, and that you make some structured water for yourself today.  In good health!

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