Natural Health & Wellness

Healing Frequencies of Moving Water & 7 Reasons Why It Is Key to Your Wellness Journey

Healing Frequencies of Moving Water & 7 Reasons Why It Is Key to Your Wellness Journey

Our family has always had a love for the outdoors. When the children were younger, he would spend hours exploring the nearby creeks and ponds, collecting rocks and the kids would love to accommodate tadpoles and frogs in large buckets for hours until they released them at the end of a day full of discovery. 

A typical day of discovery for a child in nature.
A typical day of discovery for a child in nature.

As our youngest son Matthew grew older, his love for nature only deepened, and he became more interested in ways to bring some of that natural beauty into our own backyard.  He is currently the guy in charge of our small gardens that grow herbs, peppers, grapes and all sorts of flowers.

One day, while rummaging through some old items in our shed, we stumbled upon an old water fountain that had been neglected for years. It was covered in dirt and debris, with a broken pump and a crooked base. But despite its poor condition, Matthew saw potential in it.

The old fountain that our 14 year old refurbished and is now delighting us in our front yard.
The old fountain that our 14 year old refurbished and is now delighting us in our front yard.

With a determined spirit, he set to work fixing the fountain. Over the course of a couple weeks, he cleaned it up as best he could, bought a new pump, centered it, and got it running. When the fountain was finally up and running, we were amazed at how peaceful and tranquil it felt.

The sound of the moving water was calming and soothing, and it wasn’t long before we noticed how our pets loved it too. They nap near the fountain, seeming to be lulled to sleep by the gentle sound of the water.

Here’s our cats taking a nap in the partial shade of the fountain, lulled to sleep by the water flowing above them. 
Here’s our cats taking a nap in the partial shade of the fountain, lulled to sleep by the water flowing above them. 

As we continued to enjoy the beauty of the fountain, we began to learn about the healing properties of moving water and the frequencies it emits. We discovered that the sound of the water can help reduce stress and anxiety, promote relaxation, and even improve overall well-being.

It’s amazing to think that something as simple as a water fountain in your own backyard can have such powerful effects. For us, it’s not just a source of beauty and joy, but a tool for healing as well.

What kind of healing frequency does a fountain like the one pictured above produce?

The frequency of water trickling over rocks in a medium-sized personal yard fountain can vary depending on several factors, such as the size and shape of the rocks, the design of the fountain, and the flow rate of the water.

However, the frequency of the sound produced by the water trickling over the rocks can be estimated using known data. The frequency of sound is measured in Hertz, and it corresponds to the number of waves or vibrations per second.

The frequency of the water moving in a fountain can be calculated to an approximate range. 
The frequency of the water moving in a fountain can be calculated to an approximate range. 

According to research, the frequency of the sound produced by water trickling over rocks in a small fountain can range from about 1,000 Hz to 4,000 Hz. 

For a medium-sized fountain with larger rocks, the frequency may be slightly lower, ranging from about 500 Hz to 2,000 Hz.

It’s important to note that while these are typical ranges, the actual frequency of the sound produced by a specific fountain can vary depending on many factors. 

In general, the sound of water trickling over rocks in a medium-sized personal yard fountain can be expected to have a frequency in this range.

The sound of moving water has a relaxing effect on the brain, triggering the body's "rest and digest" response, lowering heart rate and blood pressure, and promoting feelings of tranquility and calm.
The sound of moving water has a relaxing effect on the brain, triggering the body’s “rest and digest” response, lowering heart rate and blood pressure, and promoting feelings of tranquility and calm.

Nature is the ultimate healer

As we become increasingly aware of the impacts of technology on our physical and emotional health, many are turning back to nature in search of healing. 

Nature has been one remarkable source throughout human history that has provided solace from everyday stressors and ailments – without any modern diagnostics or remedies. 

There is an undeniable power in spending time around natural elements like water and the sound it produces when moving; studies have suggested its frequency helps heal us both physically and mentally. 

In this article, we will explore how water’s frequency can contribute to our wellness by discussing the mental and physiological effects it has on us as well as ways you can improve your environment with this powerful sound therapy.

The sound of water contributes to our wellness. 
The sound of water contributes to our wellness. 

Healing frequencies

Interestingly enough, if the medium sized fountain in our yard is producing frequencies between 500-2000 Hz, it would be giving off some of the healing frequencies described below.   

No wonder it is such a nice experience to unwind near flowing water!

Frequencies that are believed to have healing properties include:
Frequencies that are believed to have healing properties include:
  • 174 Hz

This frequency is said to relieve physical pain in the body and promote a feeling of safety and security.

  • 285 Hz

This frequency is thought to help heal tissues and organs and promote overall health and well-being.

This frequency has been described as the “miracle tone” and is said to have a calming effect on the body and mind.

  • 528 Hz

According to Dr. Leonard Horowitz, this frequency is central to the “musical mathematical matrix of creation” and can help repair DNA and promote cell regeneration.

The frequencies coming from the moving water is healing us at a cellular level. 
The frequencies coming from the moving water is healing us at a cellular level. 
  • 639 Hz

This frequency is associated with emotional healing and can help improve relationships and communication.

  • 741 Hz

This frequency is believed to promote detoxification and cleanse the body of harmful toxins.

741 Hz helps the body detox.
741 Hz helps the body detox.

The concept of frequency and how it affects us 

Frequency is a term that has been used in a variety of fields for many years. It is the number of occurrences of a repeating event per unit time. For example, we often hear the phrase “frequency of sound” when we talk about music and sound waves. But did you know that frequency can also affect us in other ways? 

The frequency of our:

  • Thoughts
  • Emotions
  • Actions 

can have a profound impact on our lives. The higher the frequency, the more positive and uplifting our experiences can be. Conversely, the lower the frequency, the more negative and challenging our experiences can be. 

By understanding the concept of frequency, we can begin to take control of our thoughts and emotions and raise our vibrational energy, leading to a more fulfilling life.

7 Science-Backed Reasons Why Water Fountains Are So Relaxing

  1. Water triggers the body’s “rest and digest” response, which can lower heart rate and blood pressure, and stimulate digestion.
Time to rest and recalibrate!
Time to rest and recalibrate!
  1. The sound of flowing water can help to mask distracting noise, promote relaxation, and improve sleep quality.
A relaxing fountain can help remove distractions.
A relaxing fountain can help remove distractions.
  1. The color blue, often associated with water and sky, has been found to have a calming effect on the brain.
Blues calm the brain.
Blues calm the brain.
  1. Water features, including fountains, can produce negative ions that help to purify the air and reduce airborne allergens.
  1. Natural sounds, such as the sound of flowing water, have been found to reduce stress and anxiety levels, and improve mood and cognitive function.
Moving water helps improve productivity.
Moving water helps improve productivity.
  1. The sight and sound of water can promote feelings of tranquility and peacefulness, reducing feelings of anger and tension.
  1. Incorporating water features into indoor and outdoor spaces can create a relaxing and rejuvenating atmosphere, promoting overall health and well-being.

7 Health Benefits of Listening to the Sound of Moving Water

1. Reduces Stress

The sound of moving water has a calming effect on our mind and body. 
The sound of moving water has a calming effect on our mind and body. 

It can reduce stress levels, ease tension and create a sense of peace within us.

2. Improves Sleep Quality

Listening to the sound of moving water before bed can improve your sleep quality. 

Since it helps to reduce stress levels, listening to a water feature can lead to better sleep quality.
Since it helps to reduce stress levels, listening to a water feature can lead to better sleep quality.

This helps us to feel refreshed and energized in the morning.

3. Lowers Blood Pressure

According to a study conducted by the American Heart Association, listening to the sound of moving water can lower blood pressure

The sound of water triggers a relaxation response in the body, which helps to reduce blood pressure.
The sound of water triggers a relaxation response in the body, which helps to reduce blood pressure.

4. Reduces Anxiety Levels

Listening to natural sounds like moving water can also reduce anxiety levels

The sound of moving water creates a peaceful environment that reduces stress and promotes relaxation.
The sound of moving water creates a peaceful environment that reduces stress and promotes relaxation.

5. Boosts Mood

The sound of moving water can also boost your mood. 
The sound of moving water can also boost your mood. 

It creates a serene atmosphere, which can make you feel more positive and relaxed.

6. Improves Cognitive Function

Listening to the sound of moving water can also improve cognitive function. 
Listening to the sound of moving water can also improve cognitive function.

It can enhance your ability to focus and concentrate on tasks.

7. Enhances Creativity

The sound of moving water can enhance creativity. It can stimulate the brain and encourage creative thinking.
The sound of moving water can enhance creativity. It can stimulate the brain and encourage creative thinking.

Examples of where you can listen to the sound of moving water include near a river, waterfall, stream, or even a fountain. 

Interesting fact: Researchers have found that the sound of water can help people recover more quickly from mental fatigue.

Explore why a water feature is beneficial for those suffering from depression or anxiety 

Water features, such as fountains, ponds, and even indoor waterfalls, have been known to provide a sense of calm and relaxation. 

Water fountains can help those who need to turn their mood around. 
Water fountains can help those who need to turn their mood around.

For those suffering from depression and anxiety, this type of soothing atmosphere can be especially beneficial. The gentle sound of flowing water can help reduce stress and create a peaceful environment, which can in turn help to alleviate symptoms of anxiety and depression. 

This way to relaxation!
This way to relaxation!

Additionally, water features can also provide a distraction and a sense of serenity, which can help to improve mood and promote a healthier state of mind. 

Whether it’s the trickle of a nearby stream or the sound of rain on a rooftop, the sounds of water can be incredibly beneficial for those struggling with mental health issues.

Creating your own home-based water feature for easy access to its healing properties

There’s nothing quite as soothing as the sound of running water, and adding a water feature to your home can be a great way to create a relaxing environment. A home-based water feature not only enhances the aesthetics of your home, but it also provides easy access to its potential health benefits. 

If you’re thinking of creating one for yourself, here are a few tips to get you started. 

If you can dream it, you can build it!
If you can dream it, you can build it!

First, choose the right location, whether indoor or outdoor, and ensure it’s easily accessible for maintenance. 

Next, select a design that complements your home decor. Then, pick the right size and materials. Keep in mind that it should be proportional to your space and personal preferences. 

Lastly, consider adding plants and lighting to further enhance its calming effects. With these simple steps, you can create your very own oasis and enjoy the healing properties of water in the comfort of your home.

Builders SA walks you through how to build a simple water feature for your outdoor space

Using technology to increase the therapeutic effects of being near a water feature 

The soothing sound of running water has long been associated with therapeutic benefits, from promoting relaxation and reducing stress to improving mental clarity and boosting overall well-being. But did you know that technology can help enhance these effects even further? 

While listening to water is healthiest in real time, second best is listening it with technology!
While listening to water is healthiest in real time, second best is listening it with technology!

By incorporating tools like smart speakers, water features can be paired with specific soundscapes that create a truly immersive and calming environment. Additionally, gadgets like water quality monitors can ensure that the water is free of harmful bacteria and toxins, making your experience by the water healthier and more hygienic. 

With today’s advanced technology at our disposal, we can reap even more benefits from being near a beautiful water feature, both physically and mentally.

Studies show the positive impact of sound therapy on overall mental health

Sound therapy has become a popular alternative treatment for mental health issues, and for good reason. Studies have shown that sound therapy can have a positive impact on overall mental health by reducing stress, anxiety, and depression. This therapy involves using specific sound frequencies to stimulate the brain and promote relaxation. 

Singing bowls have a similar therapeutic effect on the nervous system as moving water. 
Singing bowls have a similar therapeutic effect on the nervous system as moving water. 

One study found that participants who underwent sound therapy reported a significant decrease in anxiety levels, while another study showed it helped to improve overall mood and sleep quality. 

Additionally, sound therapy has been shown to enhance the effects of other traditional forms of therapy, making it a powerful tool for those looking to improve their mental wellbeing. Overall, the evidence suggests that sound therapy has the potential to make a real difference in the lives of those struggling with mental health issues.

Concluding thoughts on the healing attributes of moving water

It’s clear that being around water features has many health benefits. Not only does it provide nature in our environment, creating a calming respite from our busy lives, but it also offers therapeutic effects through its sound. 

Exposure to the sound of moving water can help reduce stress and improve sleep quality, making it ideal for those affected by depression or anxiety. 

Next time you see a fountain in a public space, take a seat and enjoy it for a few moments and evaluate how you feel afterwards.
Next time you see a fountain in a public space, take a seat and enjoy it for a few moments and evaluate how you feel afterwards.

Even if you don’t have access to a public park or nature area with a body of water, you can create a home-based water feature with minimal effort. 

Utilize technology such as music players and natural sounds to increase the therapeutic benefits of being near a water feature. 

Listening and being near a water feature is not just peaceful; it may be essential for staying mentally and physically healthy.

Sources and additional reading

  1. “The Benefits of Water Features in Your Garden” by David Domoney –
  2. “The Healing Power of Water and Sound” by Dr. Mitchell Gaynor –
  3. “The Science Behind Why Water Fountains Are So Relaxing” by Jeffery Lindenmuth –
  4. “Sound Healing Explained – How it Works and Health Benefits” by Destination Deluxe –
  5. “Running Water for Relaxation: The Benefits of Water Features” by Universal Rocks –

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Teacher, Real Estate Investor
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