Personal Development

7 Confidence Building Exercises That Will Help You Take Action – # 4 Will Surprise You!

7 Confidence Building Exercises That Will Help You Take Action - # 4 Will Surprise You! TheWellthieone

We all have times in our lives when we could use a boost in confidence. Whether we’re facing a big challenge or simply giving into self-doubt more than we’d like, there are things we can do to nurture our courage and build our self-esteem. In this blog post, we’ll explore some core exercises that can help you on your journey to becoming your most confident self.

Practice Self-Compassion

One of the best things you can do for your confidence is to treat yourself with kindness and understanding. We are often our own worst critics, and when we make a mistake or fall short of our expectations, it’s easy to berate ourselves.

Confidence building exercises” Always be kind to yourself, speak to yourself with uplifting words and thoughts. Look at yourself in the mirror and say “You are getting better!”
Confidence building exercises” Always be kind to yourself, speak to yourself with uplifting words and thoughts. Look at yourself in the mirror and say “You are getting better!”

But if you can learn to speak to yourself with compassion, you’ll be more likely to feel good about yourself, flaws and all. The next time you make a mistake, instead of beating yourself up, try saying something like, “It’s okay.” “I’m human, and I’m doing the best I can.” You might be surprised at how much better you feel.

Keep a positive attitude and practice gratitude.

Positive thinking is another important piece of the confidence puzzle. When bad things happen or we face difficult challenges, it’s natural to focus on the negative—but if you want to boost your confidence, it’s important to keep things in perspective and maintain a positive attitude no matter what comes your way.

One way to do this is by practicing gratitude. Each day, take a few minutes to write down three things you’re thankful for. It could be something as simple as being able to walk or having food in the fridge. Refocusing your attention on the positive will help you see the glass as half full rather than half empty—and that’s an important step toward building confidence.

Do not wait or analyze. Take Action!

There is no better way to conquer self-doubt than to take action! Confidence equals comfort. The more at ease you are with any skill or task, the more confident you will become.

 When we’re feeling low on confidence, it’s easy to get stuck. Instead of letting your fear paralyze you, take action! and do it now! even if it’s just a small step in the right direction.

For example, if you’re afraid of public speaking, instead of spending hours worrying about it, push past your fears and simply take action. Remember, your fears are usually not true. By taking action, you’ll start to overcome your doubts and build more courage in other aspects of your life as well.

7 Confidence Exercises That Will Help You Take Action

Communicating well with others is key!

Since speaking with poise and grace is one of the core things you can do to build confidence, consider the following exercises to help you feel more at ease when speaking to others, whether it be to a group of people or even one-on-one.

1. Speak in front of a mirror.

One of the best ways to build confidence is to practice speaking in front of a mirror. This will allow you to see yourself speaking and help you identify any negative body language or nervous habits that you may have. 

Confidence building exercises: Practice speaking in front of a mirror so you can catch anything you may be doing with your body that you are unaware of and want to consciously stop.
Confidence building exercises: Practice speaking in front of a mirror so you can catch anything you may be doing with your body that you are unaware of and want to consciously stop.

Additionally, it will give you a chance to practice your delivery and ensure that you are speaking clearly and confidently.

2. Volunteer to speak first.

If you are in a situation where there is someone else who can speak before you, volunteer to go first. This may seem like a daunting task, but it will force you to face your fears and overcome them. Additionally, it will show others that you are confident in your ability to speak, which can help build their confidence in you as well.

3. Give a presentation.

Giving a presentation is another excellent way to build confidence. If you can find an opportunity to give a presentation at work or school, this will help you to overcome any nerves or anxiety that you may have about speaking in front of others. 

Confidence building exercises: Give a presentation and get as much practice as you can.  Become comfortable with it, because comfort equals confidence!  Don’t forget to take all positive feedback to heart!
Confidence building exercises: Give a presentation and get as much practice as you can. Become comfortable with it, because comfort equals confidence! Don’t forget to take all positive feedback to heart!

Giving a presentation will provide you with valuable presentation delivery experience, which will come in handy if you ever need to give one in the future.  Relish and take to heart the positive feedback you receive!

4. In front of a mirror, honestly assess your smile.

While you are watching for negative body language or habits in the mirror as you practice speaking with grace, take a look at your smile. Is it genuine, or does it look forced and fake? Are your eyes connected to your smile, or do your eyes stay unchanged when you smile? There’s nothing worse than a fake smile to keep your audience from connecting with you.  When your audience can not connect with you, it is difficult to feel confident speaking to them.

While addressing any audience, it is important to smile when it is appropriate. Pause a bit, even crack a joke during your talk. There isn’t a better way to make a crowd feel at ease than by smiling naturally as much as you can.

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Is your “go-to” smile real or fake?

It can’t be stressed enough that when you can produce a real, eye-crinkling smile, others will notice and be put at ease by it. A forced, fake smile will subconsciously tell the crowd that you may be unprepared or untrustworthy, or it may even discount your authority on the subject matter.

Smile at yourself in the mirror the way you would at others.  What is your impression of your smile?  If you have a “fake” smile, practice to make it look more genuine.
Smile at yourself in the mirror the way you would at others. What is your impression of your smile? If you have a “fake” smile, practice to make it look more genuine.

How do you make your smile more genuine? Practice it in front of a mirror every day. Watch some comedy in front of a mirror and look at yourself laughing. Remember how it feels to have a genuine smile on your face as a result of laughter. Get your eyes involved too!

If your eyes are not smiling along with you, it is a fake smile, and nobody likes that. Look at your smiling image in the mirror. Are you convinced that the smile you have on your face is real? If you are convinced, others will be too, and your smile will put you and them at ease.

5. Join a Toastmasters club.

Joining a Toastmasters club is another great way to build confidence in your public speaking ability. Toastmasters is an international organization that helps people improve their communication and leadership skills. At a Toastmasters club, you will have the opportunity to give speeches in front of an audience and receive feedback from experienced speakers.

6. Take a public speaking class.

Taking a public speaking class is another great way to build confidence. In a class setting, you will be able to learn about different techniques for delivering a speech and practice them in a safe and supportive environment. Additionally, your instructor and classmates can provide feedback on your speeches, which can help you improve your delivery.

Concluding Thoughts

These are just a few simple exercises that can help build your confidence, but remember, the most important thing is to be patient with yourself and believe that you have what it takes to succeed. With time and practice, you’ll be well on your way to conquering whatever challenges come your way!

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