
All I Really Want Is to Be Happy:  25 Intrinsic Values of Happiness & How to Achieve It

Happiness is a feeling that can often be difficult to define or measure, but it holds immense value in our lives. On a surface level, being happy can increase motivation and productivity and make us more viable in areas of employment, business and education.

Feeling valued and supported by a spouse, family members, or close friends plays a big role in creating a pleasurable life experience. Being able to rely on a strong support system to provide meaningful advice and comfort during ups and down is essential for overall well-being.

Even more importantly, having access to this kind of emotional security can have profound effects on one’s ability to accomplish their goals.

Studies have found that people who are content with life show higher levels of productivity and motivation compared with those who are unhappy, translating into better performance where it matters most—in the workplace, the boardroom or the classroom.

It is often said that money can’t buy happiness, but it certainly can help. Being happy increases self-confidence and gives individuals the courage to pursue their ambitions even when faced with adversity.

Where does happiness come from?

Happiness is an essential part of life and can come in many forms, and understanding the source of this happiness can be difficult, especially in uncertain times.


Although our circumstances may affect our happiness, it often comes from within us; gratitude is at the forefront of happiness.

Gratitude for our lives and the people around us is fundamental to finding happiness. Here are ways to help you recognize aspects in your life to be grateful for:

1. Being grateful for simple pleasures, like being on the receiving end of a simple smile, laugh, or meaningful hug is most a wonderful way to receive happiness. 

No matter where we are in life, there are small moments that can bring significant joy into our lives, even if only briefly.

“All I really want is to be happy.”  How about spending quality time by combining the love of kayaking and eating well by kayaking to restaurants in The Harbor with a loved one?
“All I really want is to be happy.” How about spending quality time by combining the love of kayaking and eating well by kayaking to restaurants in The Harbor with a loved one?
  1. Counting your blessings and recognizing what we have instead of what we don’t have is essential, as this helps create positive thoughts.  These thoughts can be the start of true happiness.

As the saying goes, “Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more.” “If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never have enough.”

When seeking out a source of happiness, it’s important to recognize our blessings and focus on positivity; both will help bring contentment and joy into our lives.

5 benefits that being happy brings to mental health

It is well understood that feeling emotionally stable and happily content can be beneficial for one’s mental health, contributing to:

  1. Improved ability to find things that bring happiness
  1. Better, deeper, more restful sleep
  1. More effective coping strategies
  1. Career and professional development successes.
  1. Helping us form stronger relationships with others. When we’re feeling content, we tend to spread our good vibes to other people around us, which is key to building solid business relationships.

While it may seem obvious that feeling unhappy or overwhelmed can negatively impact performance and progress in the workplace, the benefits of feeling positive extend far deeper than that.

3 refined abilities are available to those who embody happiness from contentment.

  1. They can regulate their emotional responses better in challenging or otherwise stressful situations.
  1. They display higher levels of emotional intelligence in their interactions with others.
  1. They often demonstrate increased levels of productivity, likely due to decreased reasons for procrastination.

Studies indicate that happiness helps us show initiative.

Some studies have even suggested that those who display a greater level of happiness are more likely to show initiative, which is something that is essential when it comes time for advancement or the pursuit of new opportunities.

All things considered, it is clear that cultivating feelings of lasting joy or contentment has remarkable implications for business success and moving forward in your career.

5 steps to living with a happiness mindset

Living with a happiness mindset requires focus and effort, but it can be rewarding and help you lead a fulfilling life.

Here are 5 steps that you can take to live life with a mindset of happiness.

  1. Recognize the things that bring joy into your life, such as hobbies or activities that you genuinely enjoy.
  1. Surround yourself with people who are encouraging and make you happy. Be mindful of the top 5 people in your life because your life will tend to look like theirs, and so will your outlook. What kind of life are you working towards based on the people you are around most often?
  1. We cannot always control our situations, but we can control how we respond to them. So be conscious of our responses to things that bring us stress or sadness, such as adopting healthier coping mechanisms like exercising or meditating.
  1. Take time for yourself regularly and practice self-care with compassionate self-talk.
  1. Realize that happiness comes from the small moments. Don’t underestimate the impact of simply being grateful for what you have in life.

By taking these steps, we can create a positive mindset that will transcend our daily lives and create an atmosphere of joyfulness instead of one of despair and hopelessness. Adopting this approach requires effort and ongoing commitment, but it is well worth the investment in your overall well-being.

How does being happy contribute to physical health?

Happiness is more than just a feeling; it has a tangible influence on physical health as well. Studies have found that happy people enjoy:

  1. Robust cardiovascular and immune systems, making them less likely to develop heart disease and stroke.
  1. Improved immune function assists the body in fighting off illness.
  1. Higher metabolic rates help to regulate weight and can protect against diabetes and other diet-related illnesses.
  1. Stress levels were reduced by lowering stress hormones.
  1. Improved sleep quality, both of which are crucial for overall health.
  1. Improved social relationships and life outlooks
  1. Coping better with physical ailments such as chronic pain or disabilities.
  1. Enhanced self-worth
  1. Expanded appreciation for life
  1. Improved mental well-being 

Ultimately, living a contented life with a greater sense of peace begins with cultivating a mindset focused on gratitude and optimism in all aspects of our lives.

Taking these proactive measures towards positivity will ultimately build resilience against our toughest challenges, allowing us to live fuller lives full of lasting satisfaction and inner peace. This is the power of focusing on a happiness mindset! 

Regardless of how it’s measured or judged by society at large, being unconditionally happy holds great intrinsic value, which should serve as its own reward.

A Personal Tribute to Our 21st Wedding Anniversary

This article is an inspired reflection on my husband Mark and our marriage.  We celebrated our 21st wedding anniversary on November 21, 2022. 

I am married to an incredible man who has been dedicated to our family.

“All I really want is to be happy.”  First date picture back in May of 2001 at the Riverside restaurant in NY.
“All I really want is to be happy.” First date picture back in May of 2001 at the Riverside restaurant in NY.

Mark is a committed father and a loving husband. He is an incredible problem solver from both an engineering and psychological standpoint. Mark is focused on making our lives together rich with rewards, adventures, and meaning. He is often thinking about his family and how he can create improvements, ideas, and projects for us to benefit and learn from.

My number one priority is serving our family, which consists of Mark and three great kids, and our marriage.  Our three children have been blessed to have such a dedicated father as Mark guide them throughout life, teaching them skills, introducing them to sports, teaching them the importance of being physically fit and healthy and more. Our two oldest children, Evan and Brooke, are currently in college studying to become engineers, just like their dad. 

Our youngest, Matthew, who is 13, is an A student who is currently the undefeated Juijitsu champion in Southern California within Juijitsu World League.  He has broken all kinds of records winning multiple titles for San Diego and Southern California.   Matthew has benefited from his champion wrestler father’s coaching and advice, as has his older brother Evan.   Perhaps following in his Dad’s and brother’s footsteps is why he doesn’t think much of training 2-3 hours a day.   He knows what he has to do, as he thinks like the champion he is.

Our family has great direction, and well-defined goals coming from a Dad who has a vision. There is little else that could make us happier. I truly believe that the nurturing environment we have created, along with firm guidance and some discipline, has served our family well. 

With these thoughts of gratitude, I want to say “Happy 21st Anniversary, Mark!” 

We’ve done a great job these past 21 years, and I can’t wait to see what the next 21 years have in store!  Let’s keep up the good work!

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Teacher, Real Estate Investor
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