Pet Wellness

Cat Ear Infection Home Remedy 911 – 3 Solutions To Help Save Money On Vet Bills!

Cat Ear Infection Home Remedy 911 – 3 Solutions To Help Save Money On Vet Bills! Thewellthieone

When your cat’s ears become red, swollen, and itchy, or they start to produce a telling stinky discharge, it may be time to act quickly in the face of an ear infection! 

There are some simple home remedies that you can use before venturing out which could alleviate painful symptoms. 

Whether you’re curious about preventing future infections or searching for an effective way to manage them once identified, this guide will answer all of your questions about how best to treat cat ear infections.

Keep your cat’s ears healthy and mite free or treat her ears with these home remedy fixes with no side effects.
Keep your cat’s ears healthy and mite free and treat her ears with these home remedy fixes with no side effects.

We’ll review safe administration instructions as well as reasonable expectations related to any symptom relief or recovery process associated with using at-home therapies. 

So get ready… let’s dive into your Cat Ear Infection Home Remedy 911!

What Causes Ear Infections in Cats and What Are the Symptoms?

Ear infections are a common problem among cats, but what exactly causes them? Typically, the culprit is:

Invisible to the naked eye, bacteria and yeast are common causes of ear infections in cats.
Invisible to the naked eye, bacteria and yeast are common causes of ear infections in cats.
  • Bacteria
  • Ear mites
  • yeast that has managed to get into the ear canal. 
Certain factors can increase a cat’s likelihood of developing an ear infection, such as: 
  • allergies
  • weakened immune system. 
Watch for the symptoms which can include: 
  • head shaking
  • scratching at the affected ear
  • discharge
  • foul odor
If your cat has an ear infection, you will know because he will be scratching his irritated ears often.
If your cat has an ear infection, you will know because he will be scratching his irritated ears often.
If your cat is exhibiting anyone of these signs, it is best to have the knowledge of how to help her quickly and naturally.  By taking prompt action, you can help your furry friend feel better in no time.
If your cat is exhibiting anyone of these signs, it is best to have the knowledge of how to help her quickly and naturally. By taking prompt action, you can help your furry friend feel better in no time.

3 Natural Cat Ear Infection Home Remedy Options

Cats are notorious for being independent creatures that take care of themselves. But when it comes to ear infections, they need a bit of extra help. 

Luckily, there are many natural home remedies available to soothe and treat those pesky ear infections.  

Impress your cat and learn them because you will be happy you did when you might have to use them over and over throughout the years.

1. Coconut oil and lavender

One of the most effective remedies is to use coconut oil mixed with a few drops of 100% natural lavender essential oil, which both have antibacterial and antifungal properties. 

If you do not have coconut oil, you can also use olive, sesame or castor oil to smother those mites or anything that is in there!

Veterinary Secrets shows you in 1 minute

Here’s how to administer it:

  1. Begin by warming some unrefined coconut oil in a pan until it becomes a liquid.
  1. Using a dropper, add a couple of drops of lavender essential oil to the warmed coconut oil, and mix well.
  1. Allow the solution to cool down to room temperature.
  1. Drop a small amount (1-2 drops) of the coconut oil mixture to the affected ear.
  1. Gently massage the base of the ear to distribute the mixture.
  2. Repeat this once or twice daily until the infection clears up.  Or, you can try administering the oils for 7 days on and then 7 days off.
Coconut oil melts at 75 degrees, so there’s not much warming needed to get it to its liquid state.
Coconut oil melts at 75 degrees, so there’s not much warming needed to get it to its liquid state.

Coconut oil possesses a natural antifungal and antibacterial property and helps soothe irritated skin, while lavender essential oil helps to relieve inflammation and itching. 

1. Apple Cider Vinegar

Using apple cider vinegar as a home remedy can reduce inflammation and help treat your cat’s ear infection. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Mix equal parts raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar and distilled water in a bowl.
Apple cider vinegar is an amazing ingredient to have on hand for many home remedies and general health.  Treating ear infections in cats and humans is no exception.
Apple cider vinegar is an amazing ingredient to have on hand for many home remedies and general health. Treating ear infections in cats and humans is no exception.

2. Soak a cotton ball in the mixture and squeeze out any excess liquid.

3. Gently clean the inside of your cat’s ear with the cotton ball.

4. Be sure to throw away the used cotton ball, and use a fresh one for the other ear.

5. Repeat this process once or twice a day for four to five days.

Apple cider vinegar has antibacterial and antifungal properties that can help prevent the growth of infection-causing bacteria and fungus, making it an effective home remedy to treat your cat’s ear infection. 

It is important to monitor your cat’s condition and consult a veterinarian if the symptoms do not improve or worsen.

2. Garlic Oil

Using garlic oil, which contains allicin, is a natural antibiotic.  You can easily make your own garlic oil by chopping up some garlic and letting it sit in oil.  This oil is shelf stable and will last if it is in an air tight jar or container.

Garlic oil is excellent for cat and human ear infections.
Garlic oil is excellent for cat and human ear infections.
Here’s how to do it:
  1. Warm up the garlic oil by placing the bottle in a bowl of warm water for a few minutes.
  1. Using an eyedropper, put 2 to 3 drops of garlic oil into the affected ear.

Gently massage the base of the ear to ensure the oil reaches the infected area.

Your cat will likely feel the liquid inside his ears and want to shake his head, or scratch them.  This feeling will subside.
Your cat will likely feel the liquid inside his ears and want to shake his head, or scratch them. This feeling will subside.

4. Allow your cat to shake its head to get comfortable again. 

5. Repeat the process twice a day, every day until the infection clears up.

6. Understand that your cat may be feeling off and she may need to rest a bit more than usual.

Making garlic oil is simple.  Just add whole or chopped garlic cloves to olive oil to use as a medicinal for ear infections.
Making garlic oil is simple.  Just add whole or chopped garlic cloves to olive oil to use as a medicinal for ear infections.

Garlic oil contains allicin which has natural antifungal, antiviral, and antimicrobial properties, that can help reduce inflammation and kill harmful bacteria causing the ear infection. 

Ensure that the garlic oil is diluted with a carrier oil like olive oil or coconut oil, as using undiluted garlic oil can cause burning, irritation, or even damage the ear canal. 

Administering the Home Remedy – How Often?

Every 3-4 hours during the day should give a good treatment to the ear infection and your cat should see relief soon.  At minimum, administer the concoction two times a day during your cat’s ear infection.

What to Expect When Treating With a Natural Home Remedy

When it comes to treating an ailment with a natural home remedy, it’s important to set realistic expectations. While natural remedies can be highly effective, they often take longer to produce results than conventional medicine.  The trade off is no harsh side effects from medication.

This is because the healing process is gradual and gentle, working with the body’s natural functions rather than trying to force a quick fix. On the plus side, natural remedies tend to have fewer side effects and are gentler on the cat’s body. 

Administer patience while waiting for results of natural remedies.  It is worth the wait if you can skip the pharmaceuticals.
Administer patience while waiting for results of natural remedies.  It is worth the wait if you can skip the pharmaceuticals.

It’s important to remember that cats may respond differently to natural remedies, so it may take some trial and error to find the right solution for you. 

So don’t be discouraged if you don’t see immediate results.  Stick with it and give your cat the time it needs to heal naturally.

Prevention of Future Cat Ear Infections

Cats are known for their independence and self-sufficiency, making them great low-maintenance companions for pet owners.  

However, cat ear infections are a common issue that owners need to be aware of in order to prevent future occurrences. 

Ear infections can cause discomfort for cats and can lead to more serious health issues if left untreated.

By using these cat ear infection home remedies as a preventative, you will ensure that your cat’s ears stay healthy.
By using these cat ear infection home remedies as a preventative, you will ensure that your cat’s ears stay healthy.

To prevent future infections, it is important to keep your cat’s ears clean and dry, regularly check for any signs of infection.  This will ensure that your cat is happy!  Or you could just give him cat nip.

 By following these simple steps, you can ensure your cat’s health and well-being for years to come.

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