Natural Health & Wellness

How to Future Proof Your Health – You Need Dr. Hazel Parcells’ Parasite & EMF Protection Protocols!

How to Future Proof Your Health – You Need Dr Hazel Parcells’ Parasite & EMF Protection Protocols! Thewellthieone

Dr. Hazel Parcells lived a long and productive life, which alone qualifies her natural health advice.  She was born in 1889 and passed away in 1996 at the age of 106.

Her teachings are often contrary to what Western medicine teaches, and are gaining traction and interest as more and more become disenchanted with Western medicine. 

In the early 1950s, she saw the general population getting sicker and sicker due to:

  • increased merchandising of food
Dr Hazel found a direct co-relation with the declining health of her patients and the increase of the use of chemicals in our food supply.
Dr Hazel found a direct co-relation with the declining health of her patients and the increase of the use of chemicals in our food supply.
  • addition of preservatives and chemicals in our food
  • depleted soils
  • increasing popularity of using pharmaceuticals to treat illnesses that she said mostly came from the depleted nutrition of our food.

Dr. Parcells noted that we as a society are overfed and undernourished. In the 1940s and 1950s, Big Pharma rushed to the scene with its “solutions” to all of the maladies manifested by an undernourished population, delivering promises that health would be restored with their chemicals and pills.

Dr Hazel Parcells saw early on that pharmaceuticals were not the path to health.
Dr Hazel Parcells saw early on that pharmaceuticals were not the path to health.

Health did not seem to be restored with Big Pharma’s solutions; rather, our health as a society has been getting progressively worse since they began to “help.”

Dr. Parcell’s formula for longevity had many components. She shared the relevant ones that addressed the unique needs of each patient.

Her protocols focused on her belief that we all needed to live more in harmony with nature. We need to eat and drink with the goal of making our bodies inhospitable to pathogens and parasites and tuning our bodies to the frequency of health and wellness rather than illness.

  • For the average person who trusts their Western-educated doctor with their medical decisions, Dr Parcell’s book titled “Healer” will broaden horizons and ideas on what it actually takes to be healthy.  
  • Reading “Healer” by Parcells will show through years of results with real patients that nutrition matters way more than your traditional doctor will lead you to believe.
Nutritious food is extremely important and related to health.  Lack of it will manifest in pain and chronic illness.
Nutritious food is extremely important and related to health.  Lack of it will manifest in pain and chronic illness.
  • Her book will teach you that you are not (usually) a victim of genetics or hopeless conditions and that you have the power to change your health for the better and keep yourself on an active, pain-free trajectory for life. 
  • Your condition is not beholden to a profit-driven system that knows very little about your body compared to you. It should be you who takes the driver’s seat on your health, not always defaulting to a system that has a poor track record for many chronic ailments. 
Western medicine is a profit-driven business model.  There is no profit in a healthy individual, nor a dead one.  Somewhere in between is ideal for this model. 
Western medicine is a profit-driven business model.  There is no profit in a healthy individual, nor a dead one.  Somewhere in between is ideal for this model.
  • Dr. Parcells addresses things that Western medicine does not, and you will not regret reading her life’s work and analyzing the results she shares yourself.

Her book is available on Amazon.

Healer: The Pioneer Nutritionist and Prophet Dr. Hazel Parcells in Her Own Words at Age 106 

Control parasites and body chemistry and you will take control of your own wellness

Though Hazel Parcells had many natural health protocols and beliefs throughout her long life as a teacher and healer, we will address 2 of them in this article.

  1.  Ridding your body of the parasites that you likely have.
  1. Protecting energy in the body’s cells by bringing balance concerning alkaline and acidic foods.   

Undetected parasites are the cause of many ailments.

Most people are told by their allopathic doctors that only third-world countries have to worry about parasites. They order ineffective parasite tests that test for a few parasites in ineffective ways to rule out parasites, while people are usually full of them!

Helminth parasites like hookworms and roundworms infest most people, contrary to popular belief.
Helminth parasites like hookworms and roundworms infest most people, contrary to popular belief.

We need to be clear on how we are defining parasites and address them rather than assume we do not have them. Then, to maintain our health, do regular parasite cleanses to ensure they are not taking over and wreaking havoc in our bodies.

Parasites have been known to cause most ailments, directly or indirectly. 

Western doctors are not educated enough on parasites, though integrative and alternative doctors are.
Western doctors are not educated enough on parasites, though integrative and alternative doctors are.

There are natural herbs and protocols that rid the body of parasites that are scoffed at by Western doctors; however, they received little to no education about parasites in their years at medical school. This arrogance and/or unwillingness to look more deeply into parasites may be keeping many of their patients sick.

Digestive tract parasites like the hookworm and the pinworm are very common, contrary to popular belief.  You may have been told that we can only get these types of parasites from drinking contaminated water, but this is untrue according to Dr. Parcells.

Do you enjoy sushi?

If you have ever enjoyed sushi, you likely have helminth parasites, which encompass hookworms, pinworms whipworms and the like.  Statistics show that worldwide, nearly 4 billion people harbor at least one kind of helminth worm, usually, they harbor more than one kind. 

Most raw fish contains parasites, so if you enjoy sushi, you are likely not parasite-free, and need to take on a regular parasite protocol to keep them in check. 
Most raw fish contains parasites, so if you enjoy sushi, you are likely not parasite-free, and need to take on a regular parasite protocol to keep them in check. 

Parasites Without Borders shares a detailed 8 minute presentation on helminth parasites and how they affect humans:

Modern parasite education

The obvious question is then, “Why don’t our medical doctors learn about parasites and their harmful effects in med school?” 

The short answer is that the Rockefellers started funding all of the medical schools in the late 1800s until most healing schools were transitioned from the main focus of herbs and natural healing to the Rockefeller’s pharmaceutical business model by 1930 which is based on pills and surgery as the only means to “health” in the doctor’s toolbox, with very little mention of nutrition.  

The Rockefeller family completely changed medicine in this country to their own beliefs in the early 1900s by granting money to all medical schools in exchange for using only their textbooks to educate all doctors moving forward.
The Rockefeller family completely changed medicine in this country to their own beliefs in the early 1900s by granting money to all medical schools in exchange for using only their textbooks to educate all doctors moving forward.

One can conclude that educating future doctors about parasites were bad for business.  If a person eradicates the parasites from their body, usually they live a very healthy life.  

Most information given to doctors in the “updated” medical school programs created by the Rockefellers had little to no parasite education.  

A majority of Western trained doctors believe that parasite infestations in humans is more of a third-world problem. 
A majority of Western-trained doctors believe that parasite infestations in humans are more of a third-world problem.

Ask any Western doctor about parasites today and they are likely to dismiss them and tell you not to worry about a third-world problem.  They will then go on to address symptoms that are often caused by parasites with drugs or even surgery that are unnecessary if the parasites are removed. 

Why did Rockefellers choose the word “pharmaceutical”?

The Rockefellers seem to be an honest family, they believe in full disclosure.  They wanted to accurately describe what their system entailed by using the correct title. The Rockefellers were very specific in their naming of their product and business model after the Greek word pharmacopeia.  

Pharmaceuticals contain a wide array of heavy metals and chemicals that serve as active ingredients, excipients, fillers and coatings. 
Pharmaceuticals contain a wide array of heavy metals and chemicals that serve as active ingredients, excipients, fillers, and coatings.

Some of the most common heavy metals found in pharmaceuticals include lead, mercury, arsenic, and cadmium. 

Additionally, other chemicals used in pharmaceutical manufacturing are benzalkonium chloride and polyethylene glycol.

What do pharmacy and pharmaceutical titles mean in Greek?

The term “pharmaceutical” and “pharmacy” derives from the Ancient Greek “pharmacopeia,” meaning “the making of medicine, drug making, a compound of medicine, drugging, or poisoning.”

Pharama means to enchant or charm.

Ako, from pharmako, means magic, charm, potion.

A pharmacy mixes chemicals to produce Western, Rockefeller derived medicine.
A pharmacy mixes chemicals to produce Western, Rockefeller derived medicine.

Essentially, pharmacopeia in Greek means sorcery.

Many pharmaceuticals are made with heavy metals and chemicals that parasites thrive on. Often a doctor will prescribe a drug that is meant to be taken for life.  

Parasites thrive in an environment with heavy metals and chemicals, the kind that is present when someone is taking pharmaceuticals on a daily basis. 
Parasites thrive in an environment with heavy metals and chemicals, the kind that is present when someone is taking pharmaceuticals on a daily basis.

Taking many of these drugs allow parasites to thrive and grow, as they deliver choice nutrients of heavy metals and chemicals that parasites love.

Protect your body from EMF Radiation with Dr. Parcells simple recipe that she herself took to stay healthy

Now more than ever, our bodies are being bombarded with EMF and all sorts of radiation.  We need to be mindful of this and protect ourselves in different ways from our increasing exposure to radiation.

Most people are exposed to an excess of EMF radiation on a daily basis through cell towers and devices.
Most people are exposed to an excess of EMF radiation on a daily basis through cell towers and devices.

During many of her presentations and talks, Dr. Parcells spoke of a recipe that she developed to help protect our cells from EMF radiation.  

The sea salt in the recipe serves as cell salt.

Bioplasma cell salts are believed to help protect the body from radiation by reducing damage caused by radiation exposure. They also act as a detoxifier, helping to remove harmful substances from the body and boost overall immunity. Studies have shown that bioplasmic cell salts can provide protection against radiation when taken before, during, and after exposure.

Take a quart of distilled water.  Do not substitute distilled water for filtered or purified water.

Why used distilled water?  

Consuming distilled water can help pull unwanted toxins from the body due to its purity. Distilled water does not contain impurities, such as dissolved minerals, which makes it highly effective at extracting substances and toxins from other sources. 

There are many relatively inexpensive machines to obtain distilled water that can be used at home.  There’s no need to buy it constantly.
There are many relatively inexpensive machines to obtain distilled water that can be used at home.  There’s no need to buy it constantly.

Distillers like this one below work perfectly fine, they can be found on Amazon:

CO-Z Distilled Water Maker

  • 1 Gallon Water Distiller
  • 4L Home Countertop Water Distiller Machine
  • Table Desktop Water Distill 
  • Distilling Purifier 
  • Purification Filter
  • Home Pure Clean Water Device
CO-Z Distilled Water Maker

By consuming distilled water, these toxins are able to be more easily removed from the body by passing through the kidneys and being excreted as waste. 

Additionally, many of the harmful metals and chemicals that are found in drinking water can be avoided altogether when only drinking pure, distilled water.

Dr Parcell’s recipe to protect the cells against EMF radiation

  • Mix 1 tsp of high-quality sea salt and 1 tsp of baking soda in 1 quart of water in a glass jar.  
  • Stir or shake it well.  
  • Divide the quart into 4 doses.  
  • Take one dose every 2 hours until all of the doses are consumed.  
  • Repeat daily or a few times a week, and you will be seeing all sorts of improvements like in the list below:

10 health improvements we can see when we protect ourselves from EMF radiation

  1. Improved sleep quality
  1. Reduced headaches and fatigue
  1. Decreased levels of stress and anxiety
Less brain fog and more clarity in thought is a profound benefit of reduced radiation exposure.
Less brain fog and more clarity in thought is a profound benefit of reduced radiation exposure.
  1. Improved mental clarity
  1. Reduction in joint pain and/or muscle aches
  1. Lower cancer risk
  1. Reduced sensitivity to electricity or heat
Improved concentration and productivity is a result of less EMF exposure.
Improved concentration and productivity is a result of less EMF exposure.

Improved concentration and productivity are a result of less EMF exposure.

  1. Improved ability to concentrate
  1. Decrease in electromagnetic hypersensitivity symptoms
The health benefits that one can reap from balanced hormones are immense.
The health benefits that one can reap from balanced hormones are immense.
  1. More balanced hormones

Energy in our cells needs to be corrected for optimum health

Popular health advice also advises that we keep an alkaline chemical imbalance in our bodies to stave off disease.

Dr. Parcells discovered something when studying soils at a farm that was suffering from unproductive soil.   The farm’s soil was so chemicalized that even pesticides were not working to curb the pests that were devouring the crops. The soil was essentially dead.   

Dr. Parcells restored the soil to a normal acid-alkaline balance, bringing back an acidic environment from a dead alkaline imbalance.  

As soon as there was a balance of acid and alkaline, the harmful bacteria and bugs vanished.   She then was inspired to take a look at the human acid and alkaline balance and see if there was a correlation.  

Balanced energy in each of the cells is achieved with balancing acidic and alkaline food and drink. 
Balanced energy in each of the cells is achieved with balancing acidic and alkaline food and drink.

A body with too much alkalinity allows parasites to thrive

Dr. Hazel Parcells discovered a relationship between alkalinity in the body of humans and animals, how those with an imbalance of alkaline in their bodies were not in good health. 

Results were the opposite of what we are being told by the medical community.

Dr. Parcells concluded that “All of our decaying substances and deteriorating conditions take place in a highly alkaline state.”

Dr Parcells noted that our soils were essentially dead, in an alkaline state,  with excessive chemicalization from years of depletion. 
Dr Parcells noted that our soils were essentially dead, in an alkaline state,  with excessive chemicalization from years of depletion.

She found that if a person or animal is overly alkaline, they will age quickly and be chronically fatigued.  On the other hand, if they are more acidic, the person ages less quickly and has more pep and drive.  

Citrus fruits are a natural food which help to create a healthy, acidic and balanced environment in the body.
Citrus fruits are a natural food which help to create a healthy, acidic and balanced environment in the body.

This means that the key to longevity and healing involves paying attention to acid and alkaline balance, and we should try to introduce more acidity to the cells by using nutritious food to do so, not by eating junk food, of course.

Here is your list of 10 nutritious foods that are acidic:

  • Lemon
  • Grapefruit
  • Avocado
  • Apple
  • Pineapple
  • Blueberries
  • Tomatoes
  • Artichoke
  • Spinach
  • Kale

Concluding thoughts on Dr Hazel Parcells’ amazing contribution to natural health

Being mindful, practical and scientific is the way to go about making a change to what you eat, if needed.  Dr. Parcells has shown through the patients she treated who went on to live a healthy life, and with her own long life that can likely be attributed to her practicing what she preached. We can all live better through good chemistry and keeping parasites to a minimum.  

Share this information with the ones you love. 

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Teacher, Real Estate Investor
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