Natural Health & Wellness

Your Secret Weapon for Solving Ingrown Toenails – How Epsom Salt Will Change Your Life!

Your Secret Weapon for Solving Ingrown Toenails - How Epsom Salt Will Change Your Life! Thewellthieone

If you’re looking for a natural way to soothe your ingrown toenails, help is on the way!  Epsom salt may be your secret weapon. This healing mineral can help reduce inflammation and pain, and is easy to find and use. 

Here’s how Epsom salt will change your life for the better!  But first, let’s take a look at some of the causes of sore toes caused by ingrown nails.

7 potential causes of ingrown toenails

Are you ready to learn about the potential causes of ingrown toenails? From tight shoes, improper nail trimming, fungal infections and more, you may be surprised by what can put your toes at risk. Keep reading to discover the 7 most common causes of this uncomfortable foot condition.

  1. Poor circulation: Weak or poor circulation in the feet can cause the toenails to become more easily lodged into the skin, leading to an ingrown nail.
  1. Poor blood flow: Poor blood flow can impede proper nail growth and make it more likely that an ingrown nail will form.
Be good to your immune system by feeding it the micronutrients it needs to fight for you at 100%!
Be good to your immune system by feeding it the micronutrients it needs to fight for you at 100%!
  1. Weakened immune system: A weakened immune system can make it difficult for the body to fight fungal infections and other causes of ingrown nails.
  1. Not wearing comfortable shoes that fit properly: Shoes that don’t fit properly or don’t provide adequate support can increase friction between the toes and be a contributing factor for ingrown nails.
  1. Improperly trimmed nails: Toenails that are cut too short or in a curved, rather than straight line, can be more prone to ingrown toenails due to the increased pressure on the nail bed.
  1. Trauma: An injury to the toe such as stubbing it against something or dropping heavy objects on it can cause an ingrown nail.
If you injure your toes or feet, be sure to treat the injury with anti-inflammatory essential oils like tea tree oil to aid in a speedy recovery.
If you injure your toes or feet, be sure to treat the injury with anti-inflammatory essential oils like tea tree oil to aid in a speedy recovery.
  1. Fungal infection: Certain fungal infections of the feet, such as athlete’s foot, can weaken the tissue around the nails and make them more likely to become lodged in their surrounding skin.

For treatment of ingrown toenails, your Western doctor may suggest-

A partial nail avulsion is a procedure used to treat an ingrown toenail. During the procedure, the doctor will remove part of the affected nail and its surrounding tissue. 

A partial nail avulsion is an avoidable procedure that a Western doctor may suggest. We hope that they also give the option of Epsom salt soaks!
A partial nail avulsion is an avoidable procedure that a Western doctor may suggest. We hope that they also give the option of Epsom salt soaks!

The removed section of nailbed can be replaced with special adhesive tape or cotton wool, which can help protect and cushion the toe, and discourage new nails from growing inwards.

No thanks to surgery, let’s try something less invasive!

If you are interested in preventing ingrown toenails more naturally, you are not alone! 

Epsom salt can make treating ingrown toenails a walk in the park!

Epsom salt been used for centuries to help calm more serious health problems, so healing an affected toe is not a big deal. 

Simply add some Epsom salts to a warm bath or foot soak and relax while these amazing benefits take effect. This miracle mineral is an indispensable part of any home-remedy health kit.

It can also help draw out infection and speed up the healing process.

Where can I find high quality Epsom salt?

Epsom salt can be found at your local pharmacy, grocery store or online.

Pure Original Ingredients Epsom Salt 

  • 5 lb
  • Pure Magnesium Sulfate
  • Food Grade
  • Soaking Solution
Pure Original Ingredients Epsom Salt

Directions for an Epsom salt foot soak

Just dissolve 1/2 cup of Epsom salt in warm water and soak your feet for about 20 minutes, making sure that the toe with the ingrown nail is completely submerged. 

You may choose to soak your feet or get in for a full body soak. Whichever you choose, it is a healing process.
You may choose to soak your feet or get in for a full body soak. Whichever you choose, it is a healing process.

After soaking, gently scrub around the edge of the nail with an old toothbrush to help release it from the skin. 

Repeat this process once or twice a day until the ingrown toenail has healed completely. With regular use, you should see quicker results in promoting recovery and reducing pain and swelling.

Your bathtub can be one of the most therapeutic places in your life!
Your bathtub can be one of the most therapeutic places in your life!

Reducing inflammation from all over the body

Epsom salt is not just a luxurious bath additive, it can also be used to help with recovery and healing. Used as a compress, or soak for the affected foot. Soaking in Epsom salt and warm water for 20 minutes can: 

Be sure to keep the infected area clean, and use antibiotics or essential oils to inhibit bacteria growth while the infected or ingrown toenail is healing. 

Repeat this process once or twice a day until the ingrown toenail has healed completely

8 ways to prevent ingrown toenails

1. Wear shoes that fit correctly and are wide enough to prevent your toes from touching the sides of the shoe.

2. Trim your toenails straight across and with sharp clippers or scissors, avoiding cutting them too short or into a curved shape.

3. Avoid staying in closed shoes for long periods of time or wearing tight hosiery as they put pressure on the toes and can cause ingrown toenails.

4. Keep your feet clean and dry, especially between your toes, washing them regularly and drying thoroughly afterwards.

Walking around barefoot while trying to heal a toe infection or ingrown toenail is not recommended.  Keep your feet clean and dry.
Walking around barefoot while trying to heal a toe infection or ingrown toenail is not recommended. Keep your feet clean and dry

5. Soak your feet in warm salt water for 10 minutes a day to reduce inflammation and infection around the nail bed.

6. Gently massage coconut oil around the affected area before bed.

7. Don’t pick at your toes or attempt to dig out ingrown nails with tweezers as this can worsen inflammation and cause damage or infection in the nail bed area..

8. Use antiseptic solutions such as tea tree oil, lavender oil, apple cider vinegar solution or lemon juice diluted with water to reduce infection risk if an ingrown toe is present, however be sure not to use these directly onto the skin without diluting first as it may cause irritation.

Tea tree oil is an extremely healing oil as well as a preventative tonic to use on your feet to avoid infections, odors and more.
Tea tree oil is an extremely healing oil as well as a preventative tonic to use on your feet to avoid infections, odors and more.

Tea tree oil is a great way to avoid infection.  It is antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral.  Always choose organic essential oils to avoid any unwanted toxins.

Cliganic Organic Tea Tree Essential Oil, 100% Pure Natural

Cliganic Organic Tea Tree Essential Oil, 100% Pure Natural

Concluding thoughts about Epsom salt and ingrown toenails

A daily practice of soaking your feet in Epsom salt has numerous health benefits. Not only does it provide relief for an ingrown toenail, but it can also: 

  • help draw out infection
  • improve skin tone and texture
  • reduce pain and inflammation from frequent exercise
  • soothe muscle tension. 

Taking the needed precautions before and after treatment – such as drying off feet thoroughly after a soak and applying an antibiotic ointment or essential oil to the affected area – is always advised. We hope you feel better soon!

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