Pet Wellness

Can Vestibular Disease Kill A Cat? 3 Natural Solutions to Help Your Kitty

Understanding Vestibular Disease in Cats  You may be wondering if vestibular disease in cats can actually kill them. The answer is no—but it can be dangerous and cause a great deal of discomfort for your beloved pet. It’s important to understand what vestibular disease is, what the symptoms are, how cats develop it, and how […]

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Pet Wellness

Why Does My Cat Bite Me Then Lick Me? 5 Reasons Why

Cat owners often raise the question of why their cats will sometimes bite them and then lick them afterwards. There are several reasons why cats may do this: Allogrooming is seen in both wild and domesticated cats, typically with members of the same social group grooming one another to show affection or to reduce stress. […]

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Pet Wellness

Why Are My Cats Ears Hot? 3 Reasons and What to Do About It.

We love our cats. They are our family members and they are our friends. Cats depend on us to feed them, clean up after them, cuddle them when demanded, and even more so if they are feeling unwell. If you are petting your kitty and her ears are hot, hotter than usual, then of course […]

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Pet Wellness

Why Does My Cat Pee On My Bed? 6 Reasons to Bring You Clarity 

Have you ever wondered why your cat is peeing on your bed? Believe it or not, this behavior is actually a very complex issue with several potential causes, and it is not as uncommon as one might think. Maybe the door is closed and they cannot get to their litter, and they feel unhappy and […]

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Pet Wellness

Are Cats Ticklish?  Your Questions Answered!

It’s a question that has puzzled humans for centuries, and there is no clear answer. Are cats ticklish? Some people believe that all cats are ticklish, while others believe that some cats are more sensitive than others. Experts agree that cats can be ticklish and how ticklish varies from cat to cat.  It also depends […]

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Pet Wellness

Want Your Cat to Love You More? Give Him Catnip Bubbles!

Do you love watching your cat play? If so, you’re probably always on the lookout for new toys and ways to keep them entertained.  One option you may not have considered is catnip bubbles. Yes, that’s right, there is such a thing as catnip bubbles, and they’re just as fun for cats as they are […]

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Pet Wellness

Why Does My Cat Bite My Nose? 11 Reasons Why Your Cat Can Surprise You!

Have you ever been caught off-guard by your cat? , You were playing or snuggling happily with your sweetie pie, and all of a sudden, she bit your nose? And it wasn’t a love bite, it was a little bit too hard!? Why did my cat bite my nose? There are many reasons why a […]

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