Natural Health & Wellness

Why A Luteolin Supplement May Be the Secret to A Focused Brain & Maximum Energy!

Why A Luteolin Supplement May Be the Secret to A Focused Brain & Maximum Energy!

Cognitive decline is a term used to describe a decline in cognitive function, which can occur as we age. This can include problems with memory, attention, and decision-making. According to recent studies, up to 40% of adults over the age of 65 suffer from some form of cognitive decline, with the risk increasing with age.

However, cognitive decline is not just a problem for older adults. Younger adults can also experience cognitive decline due to factors such as stress, poor diet, lack of sleep, and exposure to toxins. In fact, a study published in the journal Neurology found that cognitive decline can begin as early as age 45.

Most people at 45 have no idea that cognitive decline can begin around this age.
Most people at 45 have no idea that cognitive decline can begin around this age.

The consequences of cognitive decline can be significant, affecting not only our ability to perform tasks but also our quality of life. Cognitive decline can lead to difficulties with daily activities, increased risk of falls and accidents, and social isolation.

That’s why it’s important to take our brain health seriously and take steps to support our cognitive function throughout our lives. One way to do this is by using supplements like luteolin, which has been shown to have neuroprotective effects and support cognitive function. 

By taking proactive steps to support our brain health, we can maintain our mental acuity and stay sharp throughout our lives.
By taking proactive steps to support our brain health, we can maintain our mental acuity and stay sharp throughout our lives.

Discovering Luteolin

As a writer, I know how important it is to keep my brain sharp and focused. But like many of us, I often find myself struggling with brain fog, lack of concentration, and fatigue. To help myself along with these issues, I started taking luteolin, a powerful supplement that can support your brain and nervous system.

In my search for a solution, I stumbled upon luteolin and have been using it regularly for the past several years. ever since. In this article, I’ll share with you the 3 best luteolin choices to support your brain and nervous system, so you can stay on top of your game and achieve your goals.

What is luteolin?

Luteolin is a phytonutrient that’s found in abundance in certain fruits and veggies. It’s been shown in studies to have a host of health benefits, including reducing inflammation, promoting heart health, and even fighting cancer. As a result, many people are interested in incorporating luteolin-rich foods into their diet.

Luteolin rich foods
Luteolin rich foods

While there are supplements available that provide luteolin, getting it from natural sources is always best, but this is not always practical or possible.

In this case, we have done the research for you to find the best luteolin supplements based on quality, third-party testing, and value. It’s a nutrient that you do not want to miss out on for optimum health!

What does luteolin do for the body?

What are some symptoms that indicate one is in need of a luteolin supplement?

I was experiencing brain fog and focus issues, so I decided to try a luteolin supplement, but there are all sorts of other symptoms that luteolin can address like:

1. Chronic inflammation

Chronic inflammation is often an indicator that your body is not getting the right nutrients. Luteolin has been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties that may help reduce inflammation in the body.

2. Allergies

Those suffering with allergies should seek out natural remedies, and luteloin is a known histamine release inhibitor.
Those suffering with allergies should seek out natural remedies, and luteloin is a known histamine release inhibitor.

Luteolin is known to inhibit histamine release, which can be useful for individuals who suffer from allergies. If you’re experiencing allergy symptoms like sneezing, itchy eyes, and a runny nose, a luteolin supplement may help.

3. Brain fog

If you’re experiencing difficulty with concentration, memory, or focus, it could be a sign that you need more luteolin in your diet. Luteolin has been shown to support cognitive function and may help improve mental clarity.

According to a study published in the journal PLOS ONE, about 1 in 7 adults aged 18-39 in the United States experience frequent bouts of brain fog. Additionally, research has shown that brain fog may be a common symptom experienced by those with chronic illnesses, such as fibromyalgia or multiple sclerosis.1
According to a study published in the journal PLOS ONE, about 1 in 7 adults aged 18-39 in the United States experience frequent bouts of brain fog. Additionally, research has shown that brain fog may be a common symptom experienced by those with chronic illnesses, such as fibromyalgia or multiple sclerosis.

4. Skin problems

Luteolin has antioxidant properties that can help protect the skin from damage caused by free radicals. If you’re experiencing skin issues like eczema, psoriasis, or acne, a luteolin supplement may help improve your skin health.

Luteolin possesses anti-inflammatory properties that can help alleviate skin conditions like eczema by reducing inflammation and inhibiting certain immune responses.
Luteolin possesses anti-inflammatory properties that can help alleviate skin conditions like eczema by reducing inflammation and inhibiting certain immune responses.

5. Digestive issues

Luteolin has been shown to have anti-inflammatory effects in the gut, which can be helpful for individuals with digestive issues like Crohns and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). If you’re experiencing bloating, constipation, or diarrhea, a luteolin supplement may help ease your symptoms.

Luteolin helps mitigate digestive disorders by reducing inflammation and oxidative stress in the gut, promoting gut health and reducing symptoms like bloating and diarrhea.
Luteolin helps mitigate digestive disorders by reducing inflammation and oxidative stress in the gut, promoting gut health and reducing symptoms like bloating and diarrhea.

6. Joint pain

Luteolin has been shown to have anti-inflammatory effects that may help alleviate joint pain associated with conditions like arthritis. If you’re experiencing joint pain, adding a luteolin supplement to your diet may help reduce inflammation and discomfort.

Luteolin helps decrease inflammation related to joint pain. 
Luteolin helps decrease inflammation related to joint pain.

7. Fatigue

If you’re feeling constantly tired or fatigued, it could be a sign that you’re not getting enough nutrients in your diet. Luteolin has been shown to have energizing effects that may help boost your energy levels and reduce fatigue.

Luteolin can provide much needed vitality and energy in a fatigued-filled world. 
Luteolin can provide much needed vitality and energy in a fatigued-filled world.

Remember, it’s important to speak with your healthcare provider before starting any new supplements or making significant changes to your diet.

Reasons why a luteolin supplement may be the secret to a focused brain and maximum energy  

Luteolin is a flavonoid found in various plants that has been shown to have numerous health benefits, including anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Studies have also suggested that luteolin may be effective for improving cognitive function and supporting overall brain health.

Luteolin can help with better focus. 
Luteolin can help with better focus.

One reason why a luteolin supplement may be beneficial for a focused brain and maximum energy is due to its ability to cross the blood-brain barrier and directly impact brain activity. 

Luteolin has been shown to improve spatial memory, reduce anxiety and depression-like behaviors, and protect neurons from oxidative damage and inflammation.

Luteolin helps with memory and the problem solving thought process. 
Luteolin helps with memory and the problem solving thought process.

Additionally, luteolin’s anti-inflammatory properties can reduce inflammation throughout the body, which can contribute to feelings of lethargy and fatigue. Chronic inflammation has also been linked to a variety of health issues, including heart disease, diabetes, and cognitive decline.

Incorporating luteolin-rich foods into your diet is one way to increase your intake of this beneficial flavonoid. However, taking a luteolin supplement can provide a more concentrated dose and may be particularly helpful for those who don’t consume enough luteolin-rich foods in their regular diet.

Dr Jason Pickle talks about luteolin being much better than quercetin, a supercharged version!  There’s so much to be excited about with this antioxidant. 

What foods are high in luteolin?

Luteolin is a natural compound found in a variety of fruits and vegetables that has been shown to have numerous health benefits, including anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

Incorporating luteolin-rich foods into your diet can help reduce inflammation, improve cognitive function, boost energy levels, and support healthy skin. 



Onion greens





Apple skins (so no peeling your apples!)





By including these foods in your daily meals and snacks, you can increase your luteolin intake and reap the many health benefits that come along with it. 

So, next time you’re at the grocery store, consider stocking up on some of these luteolin-rich options to improve your overall health and wellbeing.

Frequently asked questions regarding taking a luteolin supplement (FAQ)

Is luteolin good for your brain?

Yes, luteolin is good for your brain. Luteolin is a natural flavonoid that has been shown to have several benefits for cognitive health, including improved memory and focus. 

Researchers believe that luteolin may help protect the brain from age-related damage by reducing inflammation and oxidative stress. In addition to its cognitive benefits, luteolin has also been shown to improve mood and reduce anxiety.

Does luteolin cross the blood-brain barrier?

Studies have shown that luteolin, a flavonoid found in various plants, has the ability to cross the blood-brain barrier and directly affect brain activity. 

This is important because the blood-brain barrier is a protective shield that prevents toxins and harmful substances from entering the brain.

Since luteolin has the ability to traverse the blood-brain barrier, it can promptly commence enhancing brain activity.
Since luteolin has the ability to traverse the blood-brain barrier, it can promptly commence enhancing brain activity.

One study published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology demonstrated that luteolin was able to improve spatial memory in mice by crossing the blood-brain barrier and increasing the expression of specific proteins that are involved in learning and memory. Another study published in the journal Nutrients showed that luteolin was able to reduce anxiety and depression-like behaviors in rats by modulating certain neurotransmitters in the brain.

These studies suggest that luteolin may have potential therapeutic applications for mental health disorders. Luteolin’s ability to cross the blood-brain barrier and positively affect brain activity makes it an appealing candidate for future research on cognitive and mental health treatments.

It’s worth noting that more research is needed to fully understand the effects of luteolin on the brain, as well as the appropriate dosages for therapeutic purposes. However, these preliminary studies indicate that luteolin may hold promise as a natural treatment for cognitive and mental health issues, and further research in this area is certainly warranted.

Is luteolin good for memory loss?

Studies have shown that luteolin may be beneficial for memory loss. One way in which the flavonoid may help is by reducing inflammation in the brain due to aging and oxidative stress, both of which can contribute to cognitive decline.

Memory issues can affect adults of all ages. 
Memory issues can affect adults of all ages.

In a study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, researchers found that luteolin was able to protect neurons in the brain from oxidative damage and inflammation. The researchers also observed that luteolin was able to improve spatial memory in mice that were given the flavonoid.

Another study published in the journal Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience found that luteolin was able to reduce inflammation in the hippocampus, a region of the brain that is critical for memory formation and retrieval. The study also found that luteolin was able to improve cognitive function in aged mice with memory impairment.

In addition to its anti-inflammatory effects, luteolin’s ability to improve mood and reduce anxiety may also play a role in its potential benefits for memory. Chronic stress and anxiety have been linked to cognitive decline, and luteolin’s ability to reduce these symptoms may help improve overall brain function and support memory retention.

How much luteolin should I take?

Figuring out the best dosage for you can be determined with the help of a natural healthcare practitioner or see what works best for you starting off less than the dosage on the package and working your way up. 
Figuring out the best dosage for you can be determined with the help of a natural healthcare practitioner or see what works best for you starting off less than the dosage on the package and working your way up.

The appropriate amount of luteolin to take can vary depending on the individual and their specific needs. However, most studies suggest that a daily dosage of between 100-500 mg of luteolin extract may be effective for supporting overall health.

It is important to note that luteolin supplements should be taken as directed by a healthcare professional, as excessive intake of any supplement can lead to unwanted side effects. 

It is also worth noting that while luteolin supplements can be an effective way to increase your intake of this beneficial flavonoid, incorporating luteolin-rich foods identified in the list above into your diet is always a good idea. 

Additionally, it is always recommended to speak with your healthcare provider before starting any new supplements to ensure that they are appropriate for you and will not interact with any medications or medical conditions you may have.

Sources and additional reading

1.  “Luteolin: Benefits for Brain and Energy” – Healthline (

  1. “How Luteolin Can Improve Brain Function and Mental Clarity” – Verywell Mind (

3.”The Science Behind Luteolin and its Effect on Brain Function” – Psychology Today (

  1. “Luteolin and Energy Metabolism” – Life Extension Magazine (
  2. “The Role of Luteolin in Cognitive Function” – Natural Medicine Journal (
  3. “Luteolin May Be the Secret to Boosting Your Brainpower” – Organic Authority (
  4. “Luteolin: The Brain-Boosting, Anti-Inflammatory Flavonoid You Need to Know About” – Bulletproof (

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