Natural Health & Wellness

Shilajit – Diabetes Blood Glucose Control for Teens New 2023 Report

Shilajit – Diabetes Blood Glucose Control for Teens New 2023 Report

Shilajit and its potential benefits for diabetes management in teens

Living with diabetes can be challenging at any age, but for teenagers facing the complex dynamics of adolescence, managing blood glucose levels becomes even more crucial. 

The search for effective solutions to help teens control their diabetes symptoms continues, and one natural substance, Shilajit resin, has been gaining attention for its potential benefits in blood glucose control. 

In this article, we will explore the science behind Shilajit’s impact on diabetes management and provide a comprehensive guide on how teens can integrate it into their daily routines to lead healthier lives, as well as look at two teenagers who have successfully integrated shjlajit into their diabetes care regime. 

What is shilajit?

Shilajit is a naturally occurring resinous substance that is found in the mountains of the Himalayas, Altai, Caucasus, and other mountain ranges.
Shilajit is a naturally occurring resinous substance that is found in the mountains of the Himalayas, Altai, Caucasus, and other mountain ranges.

It is formed over centuries by the decomposition of organic plant material and minerals. Shilajit is known for its rich mineral content, including fulvic acid, humic acid, and various trace minerals.

The best shilajit is jet black and sticky like tar, containing rich reserves of vital fulvic acid and 84 other minerals we need for optimal health.
The best shilajit is jet black and sticky like tar, containing rich reserves of vital fulvic acid and 84 other minerals we need for optimal health.

In traditional Ayurvedic medicine, Shilajit has been used for centuries due to its believed health benefits. It is considered an adaptogen, which means it may help the body adapt to stress and promote overall well-being. Shilajit is often used to support energy levels, vitality, cognitive function, and immune health.

Research suggests that Shilajit may have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-diabetic properties. It has been studied for its potential to support blood sugar control, improve insulin sensitivity, and reduce inflammation markers. 

Understanding the impact of diabetes on teens and the need for effective solutions

For teenagers with diabetes, maintaining stable blood glucose levels is essential to prevent complications and promote overall well-being.
For teenagers with diabetes, maintaining stable blood glucose levels is essential to prevent complications and promote overall well-being.

Hormonal changes, peer pressure, and lifestyle factors during adolescence can make diabetes management particularly challenging. 

Traditional approaches often involve medication, diet modifications, and regular exercise, but finding additional tools to support blood glucose control becomes imperative.

Exploring the Science and Testimonials

Scientific research has shown promising results regarding Shilajit’s potential benefits for blood glucose regulation. 

Studies have indicated that Shilajit can enhance insulin sensitivity, promote glucose uptake by cells, and reduce blood sugar levels in individuals with diabetes. 

Testimonials from individuals who have incorporated Shilajit into their diabetes management routine have also reported improved glycemic control and increased energy levels.

Step-by-Step Guide to Incorporating Shilajit

1. Consult with a healthcare professional

Before integrating any new supplement into a teen’s diabetes management plan, consult with a healthcare professional to ensure its compatibility with existing treatments and medications.

2. Quality matters

Ensure the Shilajit resin used is of high quality and sourced from reputable suppliers. Look for purity and potency labels to ensure maximum effectiveness.

We recommend PurBlack Shilajit Resin for its purity and exceedingly high quality.

Learn more about PurBlack here.

The shilajit that works is not inexpensive

Unwanted additives or processes to be careful of, found in cheap shilajit are as follows:

. Filler

  • Cheaper shilajit products may contain fillers such as cellulose or starch, which are unnecessary and do not provide any nutritive value. 

. Artificial additives

  • Some lower-quality shilajit supplements may include artificial additives like preservatives, colorings, or flavors. These additives can be harmful to health and reduce the overall purity of the product. 

. Impurities

  • Cheaper shilajit may not undergo thorough purification processes, leading to the presence of impurities. These impurities can affect the quality and efficacy of the supplement. 

. Low fulvic acid content

Fulvic acid is an essential component of shilajit known for its numerous health benefits. Cheaper shilajit products may have a lower percentage of fulvic acid, reducing their effectiveness. 

. Lack of testing

Some cheaper shilajit brands may not undergo rigorous testing for purity and potency. This lack of testing increases the risk of contamination and inconsistency in the product’s quality. 

3. Start with a low dosage

Begin by taking a small amount of Shilajit resin daily and gradually increase the dosage as per the natural healthcare professional’s or package recommendations.

4. Time it right

To maximize the benefits of Shilajit for blood glucose control, it is important to take it consistently at the same time that works best for you.
To maximize the benefits of Shilajit for blood glucose control, it is important to take it consistently at the same time that works best for you.

While there is no one-size-fits-all approach, taking Shilajit on an empty stomach is generally preferable for individuals with diabetes.

Taking shilajit at least 20 minutes before meals, on an empty stomach, will capitalize on maximum absorption.
Taking shilajit at least 20 minutes before meals, on an empty stomach, will capitalize on maximum absorption.

When taken on an empty stomach, Shilajit can be absorbed more efficiently into the bloodstream, allowing for faster action and potentially better blood sugar regulation. 

By avoiding the presence of food in the stomach, the body can focus on absorbing and utilizing the active components of Shilajit more effectively.

What is the general recommended dosage of shilajit for teens?

The general dosage recommended for teens is 200mg per day.  This can be split up into 2 or 3 dosages throughout the day, or taken all at once, once a day. 

Many shilajit brands come with a serving instrument with dosage marks to help measure.
Many shilajit brands come with a serving instrument with dosage marks to help measure.

5. Monitor and adjust

Regularly monitor blood glucose levels and work closely with healthcare professionals to make necessary adjustments to insulin or medication dosages, if needed.

16 year old Maria in Tucson, AZ

Maria, a 16-year-old diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, struggled to maintain stable blood sugar levels despite her best efforts.
Maria, a 16-year-old diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, struggled to maintain stable blood sugar levels despite her best efforts.

She also was not consistent in checking her blood sugar, especially with all of the distractions of being a high school student.

After incorporating Shilajit into her routine under medical supervision, she noticed a significant improvement in her glucose control, leading to a better quality of life. 

She felt it gave her more energy to participate in after school clubs and sports rounding out her peaks and valleys of her blood sugar roller coaster.  Her mom was happy to find something natural and healthy that lent a hand to her daughter’s diabetes management.

Maria’s story is just one example of how Shilajit has positively impacted the lives of teens managing diabetes.

Danny, 17 years old in CT

Danny, a junior in high school incorporated shilajit into his diabetes regime.
Danny, a junior in high school incorporated shilajit into his diabetes regime.

Danny, a 17-year-old high school student, lived with the daily challenges of managing his type 1 diabetes. Despite his best efforts, he often struggled to maintain stable blood sugar levels, particularly when balancing school and his part-time job at a local restaurant. 

The constant juggling act left him feeling overwhelmed and fatigued.

While doing research online, Danny stumbled upon the potential benefits of shilajit for diabetes management. Intrigued by the positive reviews and testimonials, he decided to give it a try.

As Danny incorporated shilajit into his daily routine, he began to notice remarkable improvements in his glucose control. His blood sugar levels became more stable, reducing the frequency of both high and low spikes. 

This newfound stability gave him a renewed sense of confidence and allowed him to fully focus on his studies and work.
This newfound stability gave him a renewed sense of confidence and allowed him to fully focus on his studies and work.

During busy days at school, when stress and time constraints threatened to throw off his blood sugar balance, Danny found that shilajit was particularly beneficial. Its natural properties seemed to lend him an extra hand in maintaining optimal glucose levels. Whether he was rushing between classes or working shifts at the restaurant, shilajit helped him stay energized and focused.

Not only did shilajit assist Danny in managing his diabetes, but it also provided him with a much-needed boost in overall well-being. 

The increased energy levels allowed him to participate in extracurricular activities like soccer and debate club, without the fear of experiencing extreme blood sugar fluctuations.
The increased energy levels allowed him to participate in extracurricular activities like soccer and debate club, without the fear of experiencing extreme blood sugar fluctuations.

It rounded out the peaks and valleys of his blood sugar roller coaster, offering him a smoother ride through his day-to-day activities.

Addressing Concerns and Potential Side Effects

While Shilajit is generally safe for consumption, it is essential to be aware of potential side effects such as gastrointestinal discomfort or allergic reactions. 

Potential Effects and Side Effects of Shilajit for a Diabetic
Lowering of blood glucose levels

Reduction in lipid profiles
Interference with diabetes medications
  • Shilajit has shown potential in reducing the hyperglycemic response and may have anti-diabetic properties. 

Lowering blood sugar glucose levels is not a negative side effect and may enable less insulin to be used as a result.  If the same amount of diabetes medications are used, then it could prove to be too much for optimal blood sugar levels.

  • . It can help reduce blood glucose and lipid profiles in diabetic rats, especially when taken in conjunction with diabetes medications

Expert Recommendations and Tips

. Maintain a healthy and balanced diet

Shilajit should be seen as a supplement and not a replacement for a healthy diet. Encourage teens to consume nutritious meals with a focus on whole grains, lean proteins, fruits, and vegetables.

. Stay active

Regular physical activity plays a crucial role in diabetes management. Encourage teens to engage in activities they enjoy, such as sports or dancing, to promote overall well-being.

Stress management

Help teens develop stress management techniques, as stress can affect blood glucose levels.
Help teens develop stress management techniques, as stress can affect blood glucose levels.

Techniques like deep breathing exercises, mindfulness, or engaging in hobbies can help alleviate stress.

Concluding thoughts on Shilajit for diabetes glucose effective control for teens

Shilajit resin holds promise as an effective tool for blood glucose control in teens with diabetes. Scientific evidence and real-life testimonials demonstrate its potential benefits in improving glycemic control and overall well-being.

It is important to consult with healthcare professionals and closely monitor blood glucose levels while incorporating Shilajit into a teen’s diabetes management plan. 

By combining Shilajit with a balanced diet, regular exercise, and stress management techniques, teens can lead healthier lives while effectively managing their diabetes.

Consult your natural healthcare professional before starting any new regime. 

Sources and additional reading:

  1. Shilajit for Diabetes: Benefits, Risks, and How Nao Medical… – Nao Medical explains how Shilajit has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries to treat various health conditions, including diabetes.
  2. Effect of shilajit on blood glucose and lipid profile in alloxan… – This study investigates the effect of shilajit on blood glucose and lipid profiles, suggesting it may have benefits for diabetes management.
  3. Shilajit: Uses, Benefits & Side Effects By Dr. Anuja Bodhare – PharmEasy explores the potential of Shilajit in reducing the hyperglycemic response and its anti-diabetic properties.

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