Natural Health & Wellness

What’s So Special About Smith Brothers Cough Drops? An American Icon

At the wellthieone, we appreciate natural products that are effective and have been around a long time. Smith Brothers’ cough drops have been around for more than 150 years, and that certainly says a lot about the product. Better yet, they haven’t changed their recipe much, because why mess with a good thing? Smith Brothers […]

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Natural Health & Wellness

Are You Holding in A Cough So Others Don’t Think You’re Sick?

When someone is out in public and they need to cough, they might be tempted to hold in the cough so others do not think they are near someone who is sick. However, coughing is a natural reflex that helps us expel harmful particles from our lungs. It is natural to keep others from knowing […]

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Natural Health & Wellness

Why Does Anxiety Make You Feel Tired? 4 Food Types To Avoid

Do you ever feel exhausted even though you got a full night’s sleep? Maybe you’re just not getting enough rest. Or maybe your body is telling you something entirely different. It’s possible that you’re suffering from anxiety, and that’s why you feel tired all the time. Anxiety is a condition that can cause physical symptoms, […]

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