Natural Health & Wellness

Sweating Out a Fever? Try These 6 Essential Oils to Cool Down and Feel Better Fast

Sweating Out a Fever? Try These 6 Essential Oils to Cool Down and Feel Better Fast

It was a cold winter morning in Michigan when I woke up to my 8 year old son Evan shivering with a high fever. As his mother, I couldn’t help but worry about him. His cheeks were flushed and his forehead was hot to the touch. I knew he needed something to help his body with whatever it was trying to fight.

I remembered hearing about essential oils and their many uses, so I decided to do some research. After reading about the benefits of using essential oils for fever, I decided to try it out for myself.

I applied a few drops of peppermint oil to Evan’s temples and spine, and within minutes, he began to feel better. His fever had gone down and he was no longer shivering.

This experience left a lasting impression on me and I began to incorporate essential oils into our everyday lives for not just fever but many other ailments and uses.

Moms discovering their child has a fever is an occurrence that happens, for some, many times a year. 
Moms discovering their child has a fever is an occurrence that happens, for some, many times a year.

Now, whenever someone in my family has a fever or is feeling under the weather, we turn to essential oils first. It’s comforting to know that we have a natural and effective way to treat these symptoms without resorting to harsh medications that can have negative side effects and be hard on the liver.

In addition to treating fever, we use essential oils for many other purposes such as stress relief, promoting relaxation, and for aiding in digestion.

Thanks to the use of essential oils, my family has been able to embrace a more natural and healthier lifestyle. We no longer have to rely on chemical-based products that often come with unwanted side effects, which can cause long-term issues as some of these chemicals tend to accumulate in the body over time.

Using essential oils when you can instead of reaching for  pharmaceuticals can help on a more wholistic approach to wellness. 
Using essential oils when you can instead of reaching for  pharmaceuticals can help on a more wholistic approach to wellness.

Using essential oils has not only helped us treat common ailments like fever and stress relief, but it has also allowed us to explore a more holistic approach to wellness. We’ve been able to incorporate essential oils into our daily routine for various purposes like promoting relaxation, aiding digestion, and even as part of our skincare routine.

Are you or a loved one feeling feverish?

Did you wake up this morning feeling the sweatiness of a fever, coupled with the fatigue that it brings? A fever is your body’s mechanism for creating an environment that is not favorable to infectious pathogens. It is your body’s own detoxification method.

This is why you may have heard some healthcare professionals tell you not to worry too much if you have a bit of a temperature. They recommend letting the body work through it while you rest. 

If the fever lasts over 3 days and the temperature exceeds 102 degrees, one should seek emergency care.

When your body’s immune system has been weakened, the last thing it needs is more toxicity coming from chemical based medicines. 
When your body’s immune system has been weakened, the last thing it needs is more toxicity coming from chemical based medicines.

Which essential oils can alleviate a fever? 

If you appreciate natural health, you likely have a few essential oils in your medicine cabinet. They can relive all sorts of ailments, and some have been shown to be able to help bring down the temperature of a fever.  Here are several that can help put you on the road to recovery:

1. Peppermint

The menthol in peppermint oil has a cooling effect on the body, which can help reduce fever. Peppermint oil also has antibacterial properties that can help fight infections that may be causing the fever.

When you are feeling well, peppermint leaves are very pleasant to chew on, and much healthier than gum!
When you are feeling well, peppermint leaves are very pleasant to chew on, and much healthier than gum!
Many essential oils have natural properties that are  effective at helping the body recover from a fever. 
Many essential oils have natural properties that are  effective at helping the body recover from a fever.

2. Lavender

Lavender oil is known for its calming and soothing properties. It can help reduce inflammation and soothe headaches that often accompany a fever. Its antibacterial properties can also help fight off infections.

3. Frankincense

Frankincense oil has anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce fever. It also has antibacterial properties that can help fight off infections.

Frankincense comes from the resin of Boswellia trees, which are native to regions of Africa and the Arabian Peninsula.
Frankincense comes from the resin of Boswellia trees, which are native to regions of Africa and the Arabian Peninsula.

4. Tea tree

Tea tree oil has antiseptic and antibacterial properties that make it useful in fighting infections that can cause fever. Its cooling properties can also help bring down body temperature.

Tea tree oil is good for skin health and helping with a fever.
Tea tree oil is good for skin health and helping with a fever.

5. Ginger

Ginger oil has anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce fever and soothe muscle aches and pains often associated with fever. Its antiviral properties can also help fight off infections.

6. Eucalyptus

Eucalyptus oil is known for its cooling and decongestant properties. It can help reduce fever and ease respiratory symptoms often associated with fever. Its antibacterial properties can also help fight off infections.

Eucalyptus provides a lovely scent for decorating the home as well as many medicinal qualities. 
Eucalyptus provides a lovely scent for decorating the home as well as many medicinal qualities.

How to use essential oils for reducing a fever

To use any of these oils to alleviate a fever, the recommendation by aromatherapists is to dilute 2 drops in every 2 tablespoons of a carrier oil like coconut or jojoba, and massage it into the back, neck, feet, and behind the ears.

Arupe Health discusses using essential oils to address fever symptoms:

Peppermint essential oil is our first choice to reduce fever

From experience, we have successfully used peppermint essential oil on numerous occasions to reduce fever.

Since it works so well, we don’t stray too much from using it when anyone in the family is running a temperature. Just be careful to wash your hands after using the peppermint oil, as you do not want to get it into your eyes.

Along with using peppermint essential oil to reduce your fever, be sure to rest and drink plenty of fluids. Your body is detoxing, and it needs to flush out the toxins that are making you ill.

How does peppermint oil break a fever?

 Peppermint essential oil, along with the other essential oils mentioned above, is known as a circulatory diaphoretic. Circulatory diaphoretics promote sweating by increasing blood flow. 

Peppermint increases blood flow which promotes sweating, and the body’s temperature is encouraged to balance out. 
Peppermint increases blood flow which promotes sweating, and the body’s temperature is encouraged to balance out. 

This warms up the body, and when this happens, it causes the body to sweat as the work is done to balance out the body’s temperature. Body heat will dry the sweat, which is an effective way to bring down the temperature.

What are quality brands of organic essential oils that effectively reduce fevers? 

The following are examples of brands that are high quality, trustworthy and create potent and pure essential oils worthy of purchase to use with the whole family. 

 1. Being Naturals Organic Peppermint Essential Oil

Being Naturals Organic Peppermint Essential Oil
What we love about Being Naturals Organic Peppermint Oil:
  • USDA Organic
  • 100% pure
  • Steam distilled process
  • No additive, preservatives
  • Unfiltered
  • Undiluted
  • Glass bottle with a glass dropper included for easy dosage
  • Large 4 oz size 
  • Highly rated on Amazon

2. Zongle USDA Certified Organic Ginger Essential Oil

Zongle USDA Certified Organic Ginger Essential Oil
What we love about Zongle Therapeutics Organic Ginger Essential Oil:
  • USDA Organic
  • GMO Free
  • No artificial ingredients
  • Paraben free
  • Pesticide free
  • Preservative free
  • Gluten-Free
  • Vegan
  • Cruelty free
  • Safe to ingest
  • Glass bottle preserves freshness and purity
  • Highly rated on Amazon

3. Plant Therapy Organic Eucalyptus Essential Oil 

Plant Therapy Organic Eucalyptus Essential Oil 
What we love about Plant Therapy Organic Eucalyptus Essential Oil:
  • USDA certified organic
  • Purest form of eucalyptus globulus oil, 100% pure
  • Steam distilled
  • Undiluted
  • No additives
  • No fillers
  • Reports on every batch produced
  • Multiple rounds of testing
  • Third party testing
  • Certified aromatherapists on staff
  • Glass bottle protects purity 
  • Highly rated on Amazon
Concluding thoughts on using essential oils for reducing a fever

What I love most about essential oils is their versatility. We can use them in different ways – topically, through inhalation, or even diffusing them in our home. The possibilities are endless!

Overall, I’m grateful for the discovery of essential oils as they have allowed us to live a healthier and chemical-free lifestyle. If you’re looking for a way to transform your wellness routine, I highly recommend giving essential oils a try.

Note: Our medical establishment insists that essential oils should not be used as a substitute for medical treatment. If you have a high fever, seek medical attention.

It is recommended that you talk to your healthcare provider about any new health regime you plan to take. 

Sources and additional reading

  1. “8 Essential Oils To Naturally & Effectively Reduce a Fever” from Sonoma Lavender:
  2. “Can Essential Oils Treat the Symptoms of a Fever?” from Healthline:
  3. “How to Get Rid of A Fever (Including How to Break One)” from Dr. Axe:
  4. “4 OF THE BEST ESSENTIAL OILS FOR A FEVER” from Nature’s Spell:
  5. “Try these home remedies to bring down your fever naturally!” from The Times of India:

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Teacher, Real Estate Investor
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