Natural Health & Wellness

Parasite Cleanse For Kids: Find Out Which Type Of Parasites Your Child May Have

Parasite Cleanse For Kids: Find Out Which Type Of Parasites Your Child May Have

As parents, we always want to make sure that our children are healthy and protected from potential dangers. One of the most common health threats for kids are parasites, which can enter their bodies through contaminated food, water, and soil. 

Parasites are intelligent and evolved, and difficult to eliminate without help from powerful herbal remedies.
Parasites are intelligent and evolved, and difficult to eliminate without help from powerful herbal remedies.

Parasites can cause a range of symptoms from stomach upset and fatigue to malnutrition and even cognitive impairment in the long term. 

While there are conventional parasite treatments available, some parents prefer to take a more holistic approach to keep their little ones healthy. 

In this article we’ll explore some natural ways to cleanse your child’s body from parasites and boost their immunity.

Signs and Symptoms of Parasites in Children

Learning how to recognize the symptoms of parasites in children is a refined skill, so parents can take action as soon as possible. These can range from mild digestive issues such as diarrhea and constipation to allergies, anemia, and even behavioral changes. 

Parasites can cause behavioral changes in children.
Parasites can cause behavioral changes in children.

Parents should keep an eye on their child’s bowel movements, sleep patterns, and overall well-being and mood. 

Common Symptoms with Various Parasites In Children

Abdominal pain✔️✔️✔️
Loss of appetite✔️✔️
Weight loss✔️✔️
Vitamin and mineral deficiencies✔️
Perianal itching✔️
Restlessness at night✔️
Worms in stool✔️
Stomach cramps✔️
Soft, greasy stools✔️
It’s important to note that some parasitic infections may not cause any sympto

2. Natural Parasite Cleanse Foods

Diet plays a significant role in fighting parasites naturally. Certain foods are known for their antiparasitic properties and can help cleanse your child’s body from parasitic infestations. 

Some of the most effective natural parasite cleanse foods include: 

  • pumpkin seeds
  • garlic
  • ginger
  • turmeric
  • pineapple

These foods either boost your child’s immune system or target parasites directly. Incorporating them into your family’s diet can help prevent parasite infections and promote overall health.

3. Herbal Supplements for Natural Parasite Cleanse

In addition to antiparasitic foods, herbs and supplements can also help cleanse your child’s body from parasites naturally. 

Black walnut, cloves, and wormwood are some of the most popular herbs that have been used for centuries to fight human parasites. They work by killing or weakening the parasites, making it easier for the body to eliminate them. 

When it comes to eliminating parasites in children, there are 3 time tested and effective herbal options that stand out among the rest that can be used.

  1. Black Walnut: Black walnut has been historically used for the treatment of parasites. It can be taken in tincture form. The suggested dosage is 250 milligrams three times daily. 

We recommend: 

Dr. Clark Store Green Black Walnut Hull Tincture

  • Highly Potent Formula with Black Walnut Extract 
  • All Natural Intestine Support 
  • Comes with a Dropper
  • 2 fl. Oz
  • 60cc
Photo courtesy of Amazon
  1. Wormwood: Wormwood is another herb that has been used for parasite cleansing. It can also be taken in tincture form. The suggested dosage may vary, but one source recommends taking wormwood carefully
Fresh wormwood plant
Fresh wormwood plant

We recommend:

Florida Wormwood Organic Tincture

Florida Wormwood Organic Tincture
  • Natural Intestinal Cleanse and Digestive Cleanse Supplement
  • Wormwood Herb Extract for Detox
  • Artemesia Absinthium
  • Made in USA
  • 2 Fl Oz
  1. Cloves: Cloves can be used to kill parasite eggs. The exact dosage may vary, but one source suggests taking clove as part of a parasite cleanse protocol
Grind up fresh cloves or take them in a prepared tincture.  We recommend:
Grind up fresh cloves or take them in a prepared tincture.  We recommend:

Herb Pharm Certified Organic Clove Liquid Extract


Recommended dosages for children taking black walnut, wormwood, and clove tincture to fight parasite infections

ParasiteBlack Walnut TinctureWormwoodCloves
Tapeworms1-2 droppers full 3 times per day for 3 weeks
1-2 droppers full 3 times per day for 3 weeks
1-2 droppers full 3 times per day for 3 weeks
PinwormsNot recommended
1-2 droppers full 3 times per day for 3 weeks
1-2 droppers full 3 times per day for 3 weeks
Roundworms1-2 droppers full 3 times per day for 3 weeks
1-2 droppers full 3 times per day for 3 weeks
1-2 droppers full 3 times per day for 3 weeks
GiardiaNot recommended
1-2 droppers full 3 times per day for 3 weeks
1-2 droppers full 3 times per day for 3 weeks

These dosages are general guidelines and may vary depending on the age and weight of the child. It’s important to consult a healthcare professional before giving any supplements or herbal remedies to children. 

Follow a healthy diet and practice good hygiene to prevent parasitic infections in children.

4. Lifestyle Changes for Natural Parasite Cleanse

Apart from dietary changes, some lifestyle adjustments can also help your child avoid parasites. 

For example, teaching them to wash their hands regularly, especially before and after meals, and avoiding playing in contaminated soil or touching animal feces. 

Simply being in the habit of washing hands after playing can help prevent parasite infections.
Simply being in the habit of washing hands after playing can help prevent parasite infections.

Keeping your home and pets clean and free from parasites can significantly reduce the risk of infestation. Simple measures like these, in combination with natural parasite cleanse foods and supplements, can help your child stay healthy and protected.

5. Importance of Boosting Your Child’s Immunity Naturally

One of the best ways to protect your child from parasites is to boost their immune system naturally. A strong immune system can fight off infections and prevent parasitic infestations in the first place. 

Getting into the habit of snacking on vitamin C rich foods is a great defense against parasites.
Getting into the habit of snacking on vitamin C rich foods is a great defense against parasites.

Natural immunity boosters include vitamin C-rich foods such as citrus fruits and berries, probiotics, and zinc. Also, make sure your child gets enough rest, exercise, and is not exposed to environmental toxins.

A balanced and healthy lifestyle is the foundation of good health.

Concluding remarks on a parasite cleanse for kids

Keeping your child protected from parasites is not only important but also achievable through a natural approach. By paying attention to their diet, lifestyle, and immunity, you can reduce the risk of infestation and improve their overall wellbeing. 

Incorporating natural parasite cleanse foods, supplements, and lifestyle changes into your family’s routine can help you enjoy peace of mind knowing that your children are healthy and thriving. 

Consult with a natural healthcare professional for personalized advice and tips on how to optimize your child’s health.

Sources and additional reading

  1. “Importance of deworming in children and home remedies to do it” – Motherhood India
  2. “Deworming Kids With Natural Medicines” – ParentCircle
  3. “Treatment and home remedies for pinworms” – Medical News Today
  4. “A Holistic Approach To Treating Worms In Kids” – Natural Super Kids
  5. “Home remedies for worm infection in toddlers” – Parentlane
  6. “10 Effective Home Remedies For Deworming Kids To…” – Being The Parent
  7. “Intestinal parasites | Complementary and Alternative…” – St. Lukes
  8. “Worm Infections In Children: Symptoms, Treatment &…” – MomJunction
  9. “Parasite Cleanse: Natural Ways to Get Rid…” – Verywell Health
  10. “Easy strategies to help prevent and treat Worms, Parasites, and the Bad Bugs in your child’s GUT” – Nourished Naturopath

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Teacher, Real Estate Investor
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